Stampede Dissertation

I am not sure what to say here brother, I offer up a sincere thank you for all the hard work you and the gang put into this event. I know you are a man that likes details and it is apparent you put great effort into the organization and execution of the first Stampede. I mean it when I say that I am very disappointed Juli and I were unable to attend. Hopefully, we will be able to correct that next year. :beerchug:
:laugh:Needless to say Scar, outstanding job of documenting the events as they happened.
Ahhhh...............Cap, Stevie, Lisa? You guys listening? Right now, stand up and go to a mirror! PRACTICE and more PRACTICE until you get it right!
I'm talking about learning to SMILE once in a while! Sheeesh, what a trio of sour pusses!! You'd almost think you weren't enjoying yourselves!! :laugh:
I am not sure what to say here brother, I offer up a sincere thank you for all the hard work you and the gang put into this event. I know you are a man that likes details and it is apparent you put great effort into the organization and execution of the first Stampede. I mean it when I say that I am very disappointed Juli and I were unable to attend. Hopefully, we will be able to correct that next year. :beerchug:

I'm counting on you and Juli being there, James... Counting on it.
Thanks for the pics scar. What a great event you pulled off.:bowdown: I would have loved to have been there.
Thanks for the pics scar. What a great event you pulled off.:bowdown: I would have loved to have been there.

Hal: If you could attend, I'd plan one around that alone. :beerchug: Can't wait to shake your hand, brother.
Scar that's what we like. The right guy with the right tools on the right job = success. I congratulate you my friend and simply say, "well done Scar...well done!" Wardie:thumbsup:
But you scored mightily in the video scenes played during the banquet! :beerchug:

I seem to recall about every 4th-5th picture, I'd hear a big ol' "RAYDOG" yell coming from your table.... :laugh:

My vanity has been exposed (that didn't sound right). Doyle
Scar that's what we like. The right guy with the right tools on the right job = success. I congratulate you my friend and simply say, "well done Scar...well done!" Wardie:thumbsup:

Wardie...thanks very much. I credit a percentage of the marketing for this event to you interviewing me on the Power Hour...and to you linking the Stampede website on yours.

- Power Hour with Scar[/url] Thanks a million, bro!
Thats good stuff :beerchug:

Funny, I wasnt with u guyz on those early week rides but I have been to all those places and stopped right were u did. Lake Tahoe overlook in some ones drive way & Mt Creek Restaurant in Sierra City. :thumbsup: