Staring at my Busa

Here is what she looks like now.

Yep, now without the for sale sign. Just the latest pic I have on my comp.
Now has hid, puig racing screen. Have lowering links just waiting on reaper risers and she will be done until winter or money gets better.
I'll go out to the garage and have a beer.  I'll catch myself just staring at her for like 10 mins.  I could just sit there and stare at that thing all night.

Constantly waxed and buffed, I can stop loving it.  I'm sooooo addicted.

Then I get to looking at some of the bikes here and it's the same thing.

For the life of me I cant post pictures but.... <span style='color:red'>Feed my Frankienstien!......  </span>Lets see your trophy shots!
sounds normal....   just remember to keep the beer away from da busa.

here is a pre-wreck photo..................... (I deleted all the vanity photos. just too heartbreaking)
Bummer Cache, what happened?
fun wreck 1 week be4 Thanksgiving '03...
Ladies & Gentleman, just wanted to add that we got some awesome Busa in here, here's to all
Here's mine... Not the best looking pose, but oh well

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Black & grey '03 with a few mods. Pretty much looks like the rest of the black & gray '03s with a few mods.
Here is a pic of my baby .. with new paint... and i always seem to find myself lookn,wipin,polishin or sumthin.


Here she is, longer stretch and clear fronts will go on before Friday night. I'll take more pics then.

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..many....pretty ........'busaaaaa'sss....

<span style='color:red'>MORE!!</span>

LOL ......I'm addicted!!