stars under your Avatar

As your post count goes up the stars and the title above you name will change.
As your post count goes up the stars and the title above you name will change.
mannn proffesor we could've messed with him bigtime lol

I don't know what you mean
Donate and you can put whatever you want, and I think you get a star for every 300 posts
As your post count goes up the stars and the title above you name will change.
No, I hate to let anyone mislead you there "Roadking", as I believe in accurate relation of information of any nature here on the O-R-G, but those stars are warnings of an administrative nature. As an infraction is incurred, a star is placed beneath your avatar to note a time when "you" were warned, i.e. abusive language towards another member, general profanity, sexual harrassment, and the likes, thus the variety of numbers of stars under "certain" avatars........

You can work them off over time with good behavior, but nothing like a financial donation to our founder, and head administrator helps more. Like any situation "in life" money talks, BS walks. So make a donation "today" and notice how few of those stars will actually "show up" underneath your avatar.

Note to the membership: "Please", stop misinforming the newer members. They need guidelines, and encouragement as much as anyone. But "misinformation" does no one any good. Please be responsible.
Note to the membership: "Please", stop misinforming the newer members. They need guidelines, and encouragement as much as anyone. But "misinformation" does no one any good. Please be responsible.
I'd rather **** with 'em.

Good job I'm confused. Good thing I believe everything I read on the intarweb.