Started paint prep today

Very nice, BT!  Just like all your other "how-to" threads.  Can't wait to see the end product!  It will be awesome with a capital 'A'!
Thanks bro.
Awesome photo-documentary Bullet!
Thanks Tom. Hey, I need to get with you on maybe havin' my Hindle can touched up where I scuffed it in the drop. I'll call you sometime about it.

Ahhheeeemmmm... I'd let you "practice" on my scuffed can! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe... Hope you read all the other posts so the humor in this makes sense to ya.
I can appreciate the quality of the work... You taking customers yet???  I can practice boxing up my plastic
Got two busas lined up for as soon as I get the shop done. Not takin' any deposits or parts yet, though. Not enough room in my garage to store anything else.
Get started practicin' on boxin' the parts though. Shouldn't be too terribly much longer before I start takin' bikes/parts though. May have to do prep at my place and use a buddy's booth for the first few jobs until I can get the inside of my shop finished. I've sort of thought about doin' it that way indefinitely. Do any repairs, prep, and most of the airbrushin' at my place and use his big, nice booth for sprayin' to avoid future EPA/EPD hassles at my place. That option sounds better everytime I think about it. Payin' to have a "contaminated" piece of land cleaned up to EPD specs if they catch ya can get expen$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ive!!!
How did I miss this? I think it was when our network here at work went to wireless (aka slow as sh*t), so I couldn't load the pics...

Looks good BT!!! Real good...

Hey! Where's Caesar's original nose piece?!
You still using that for Da Train?
How did I miss this?  I think it was when our network here at work went to wireless (aka slow as sh*t), so I couldn't load the pics...

Looks good BT!!!  Real good...

Hey!  Where's Caesar's original nose piece?!  
  You still using that for Da Train?
Yeah, now that you mention it, I think I do remember you sayin' you couldn't get the pics because of the wireless network crap. Oh, and the nose is in line for prep right after the tail section.

need new pics so we can all see how it all turns out come on chop chop get it together and get moving  
Latest pics can be found . Not big progress but I'm gettin' closer, piece by piece.
I only work wed and thurs this coming week so maybe I can rock and roll on some paint prep. Look for new prep pics by the end of next weekend.