Twister NOS
Is this what the gear is suppose to look like? Or am I looking at the wrong gear....This is the gear directly linked to the starter, and I believe this is the gear I need to buy to replace the "shaved one"nother
Which part in the pictures is the starter clutch? The above picture is taken from a site that has the beefy idler gear...Noticed that the gear they sell doesn't have the shaved corners like the gear out of my bike. Price and place for a start clutch?Those are fine, you need the starter clutch
At TTT for me.....Just trying to get it resolved asap.Which part in the pictures is the starter clutch? The above picture is taken from a site that has the beefy idler gear...Noticed that the gear they sell doesn't have the shaved corners like the gear out of my bike. Price and place for a start clutch?Those are fine, you need the starter clutch