Stolen frame...

Send them a picture and let them see how big you are - they may never call back :thumbsup:

hmmmm lol i just e- mailed the detective pics of the bike thats i put up here on the org. of the build and painting none of the pics have me in them, you can see my hand thats it. I think the detective does need a pic of me, just to prove its me sending the pics you know hmmm lol:laugh::superman:
Man that really sucks. I would run the vin and call a lawyer to seek advice. It may be illegal to strip anything off of it, even the parts you bought. Check first before you get yourself in trouble. The more research you can do the better prepared you will be.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Check out the VIN again on the DMV website then , Lawyer up and start striping it back down
Where did you buy your parts and how did you pay for them? Credit card web sites will let you look back at your transactions for at least a year.
It you bought parts on ebay, you can go into your paypal account and bring up every transaction you've ever made.

Here's what I don't bought it from someone with a title. That original title must have had the guy's name on it, right? Why hasn't the detective gone after, or at least questioned, the guy you bought it from? All his information would have been on that title and even if you didn't make a copy of it for your records, the DMV or police can bring it up in seconds.
Where did you buy your parts and how did you pay for them? Credit card web sites will let you look back at your transactions for at least a year.
It you bought parts on ebay, you can go into your paypal account and bring up every transaction you've ever made.

Here's what I don't bought it from someone with a title. That original title must have had the guy's name on it, right? Why hasn't the detective gone after, or at least questioned, the guy you bought it from? All his information would have been on that title and even if you didn't make a copy of it for your records, the DMV or police can bring it up in seconds.

no it didnt have a title when i baught it he gave me a bill of sale for the frame. but before i baught it i had the vin numbers ran it was clear thats why i baught it, one thing i dont understand though is when the detective told me that when i had the vin numbers ran that it came back clear, he says he has no proof of that, but isnt my title proof that it was clear?
I think most states would have made the owner apply for a lost/duplicate title in his name before being allowed to sell it.
They gave you a title on nothing more than a bill of sale?

Here in Indiana, I don't believe the DMV checks for theft if the vehicle was bought within the state. Now when I buy a vehicle from another state, there is a mandatory VIN check which is done by the police or at the DMV. If you paid for a VIN check, there should be proof of that at the DMV.
I think most states would have made the owner apply for a lost/duplicate title in his name before being allowed to sell it.
They gave you a title on nothing more than a bill of sale?

Here in Indiana, I don't believe the DMV checks for theft if the vehicle was bought within the state. Now when I buy a vehicle from another state, there is a mandatory VIN check which is done by the police or at the DMV. If you paid for a VIN check, there should be proof of that at the DMV.

its a mandatory vin check here also.. i had cops run the vin number the vin numbers was clear thats my hole point.
then you have proof. at time of registration you had to have some sign off on the vin being legit.

man... i feel for you. :banghead:
If they did a VIN check then it proves it wasn't considered stolen at the time. Sounds like the detective may be mildly retarded. Even at that it still won't stop them from taking the frame if it was really stolen. If you paid for the VIN check, then maybe you can take that agency to small claims court to recoup the cost of the frame. After all, you wouldn't have bought the frame if they told you it was stolen. Sort of like when you buy a house and pay a company to assure you there are no liens on it.
pretty simple what happened here--the orig seller is the one who deceived you...there is NO reason to buy a frame w NO type of paperwork showing ownership--clear title, salvage title or COD title(cert of destruction). The title you have was obtained through the GREY area of the DMV laws and it caught up to you---most times it never does but this is your bike and the one time it does --kinda like winning the lottery but reverse:banghead:! Somewhere along the line the orig title was turned into an insurance co for payoff or held by a lender and never recovered--thus taking time to go into the system. Unless you have a printed title search from your state DMV or a report from a police station/officer then there ZERO ways to prove you did due diligence when buying it.

Do yourself a favor and turn the bare frame into the police and chalk it up as a learning experience. And buy a frame from a business or a person w the frame in their name.

My question is where is the guy who sold it to you? --where is the orig bill of sale?-- have your pursued the fella that sold it to you?

I seen this too often police just taking peoples $20k race bikes from them at the track and there is NOT anything they can do except sit there hoping they dont go w the motorcycle only in cuffs. If you at leave of some type of paperwork you can show proof of ownership and if possible can pick up your bike after the police are done their investigation. NO form of title .... a letter will be sent to the persons name its in to come recover it and if they dont show up in a timely fashion it will just be auctioned off or destroyed. I have seen where they allow the person to dismantle it and keep their parts but I seen them loose the entire thing also. Personally NOT the type of situation I want to be in!!!!

Good luck hero
ok here is a update family. I sent all the pictures to the detective to prove to him that the frame was totaled, where it was dented up from a crash or what ever. He had a change of heart i guess he didnt believe me. so he contacted the agent at state farm and she told him she is going to submit it to the lawyers and get back with him, oh i cantacted the officer who i had run the vin numbers before i baught the frame he said what ever i need him to do he will, get the lean officer to print it out or what ever i need because he knows it was ligit when i baught it. so this was monday im trying to be patient but i cant they need to hurry the hell up and let me know what they want me to do. ppl are telling me to be patient dont rush them or try to give them no more proof because it might make me look guilty, i ignored that of course.:moon: how do i add a pic what happened to the paper clip icon?
:cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader:i just have to say thanks for all the advice everyone, but today they dropped everything the bike will be free and clear in the morning. I FAUGHT FOR HER AND I WON!!!!!! THANK GOD.....ITS OVER..
yes i do of course i dnt stop riding her though but now its a whole diffrent feeling now im so happy im glad i dnt have to take her apart and give them that frame...
Alright! You must feel like a million bucks right now:thumbsup: Glad to hear that you can finally breathe a sigh of relief!
