Stopped by the kawi dealer today.

I stopped in one of our local Kawi dealers recently and they also had all 3 colors in stock.

I'm sure they run well considering the reviews so far, but I was surprised at how flimsy the plastics are. I guess they're trying to keepng the weight down, but sheeeeesh the plastics seem really cheap on that thing!
I still dig the All Black ZX14 it looks pretty cool....

Besides, I found it's Offspring and they aren't to be messed with. See the Family resemblence?

Hmm, I smell Conspiracy. See it's uncanny.

Seriously though the black Zx14 cool...

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this bike the z14 has been out for awhile.....I heard of one head to head comparison with the busa.....(Z14 won all three races).....anything else since then? any major publication do a comparison test recently?
That was funny ...
 Even funnier , last weekend i got a chance to race an 06 white LE with my zx14 .. I pulled him so hard he will be talking about it for weeks ... We chatted after the race and he was really pissed at his Dealer ...Seems his dealer told him not to buy the zx14 Because the Busa was much faster... Well he knows better now !!

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That was funny ...
Even funnier , last weekend i got a chance to race an 06 white LE with my zx14 .. I pulled him so hard he will be talking about it for weeks ... We chatted after the race and he was really pissed at his Dealer ...Seems his dealer told him not to buy the zx14 Because the Busa was much faster... Well he knows better now !!
Sounds like that guy could have had a turbo & still lost.. the bike doesn't make him a fast rider.
just got back from hanging out with ricky gadson,he has a black and orange 14,he said it is faster than a busa.i will tell more on the new topic i'm going to start about my new 43 tooth rear sprocket it will be called over hyped sprocket.
Like the someone else said earlier, the bike dont make the race. I had the pleasure of riding up on a bike that I had never seen before a couple of weeks ago. Once the guy saw me behind him, he took off. Not to be one to shy away from a challenge, I dropped down a gear and ripped him up. Once I caught and passed him, I was delighted to see that it was a zx14. You just have to love those California straightaways. So now I have added another type of bike to my list of conquered cycles.

Waiver of the day, "Please do not try this at home" lmao

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So no one has seen any real dyno numbers again I say 30 HP is the best I have ever seen for that little investment
Not that I am saying they are lying but he got 30 HP with exhaust race fuel  and a PC?
?? That is the best HP gain ever in the history of motorcycles. What are they pushing for real numbers anyone know?
Yea I think it was something like 13.5 or 14

Oh! did you mean horsepower? Will we ever really know? Read 5 motorcycle magazines side by side and each one will have dyno results within 20HP of each other. Who really cares Busa is still king and all the posers will fade away.


I have seen actual Hp reading off by some but not 20HP maybe 4-5. I know this guy is reputable but seriously when was the last time you had a bike you could bolt 30 HP too? Take a Busa add exhaust PC air box mod and you might get 10-12. I just thought the guys on the Kawi site would be bragging up there numbers I havent seen a thing
Can someone tell me why or how that the stories of races between ZX14's and Busa's range so much? One guy says - nya nya nya nya nya - I spanked a busa with my 14 today... another guys says - hidy hoe, I spanked a 14 today...

Are we all exagerating here or are we just really good riders? Anyone claim to have gotten spanked by the other guy? Just curious...
I cant find a 14 to race..

Waiting on a guy from bakersfield to respond in the other thread....

Figured a guy talking about how bad his 14 is would jump at the chance to prove it.. I am willing...

Just waiting for someone with a 14 to step up.. and I repeat. my bike is stock and I have never raced anyone.... So if the 14 is anything they are saying it is, I should be easy to beat..

of course on the other hand, if someone on a 14 loses to me, on a stock Busa, and I dont have any race experiance.. that wont look to good on them.

Let me clarify the no racing, I have never raced another human being.. well not from a stand still at anyrate lol
Not that I am saying they are lying but he got 30 HP with exhaust race fuel  and a PC?
?? That is the best HP gain ever in the history of motorcycles. What are they pushing for real numbers anyone know?
Just read were they dynoed a 14 in "Motor Cyclist" mag
and got 175.7 hp and 106.2 tq.on a stock bike.
Yes, that's a little better than a stock busa but not enough
that a better rider on the Busa could'nt win a race!
I kept up with a bike that had me beat by 30 hp and 25 tq
(both cruisers) cause I can RIDE.

I just want to ride!!!

Not that I am saying they are lying but he got 30 HP with exhaust race fuel  and a PC?
?? That is the best HP gain ever in the history of motorcycles. What are they pushing for real numbers anyone know?
Just read were they dynoed a 14 in "Motor Cyclist" mag
and got 175.7 hp and 106.2 tq.on a stock bike.
Yes, that's a little better than a stock busa but not enough
that a better rider on the Busa could'nt win a race!
I kept up with a bike that had me beat by 30 hp and 25 tq
(both cruisers) cause I can RIDE.

                  I just want to ride!!!
Amen, all comes down to the rider at the end of the day...

The only thing I don't like about the Busa is the headlight set-up. It's like driving in a tunnel @ night, About the worst I've ever been on. I think my old FJ lite the corners better. I run highway lights on long trips and then take them off when I get there. Even though the 14's front-end looks a little overpowering I wonder how they light the corners at nite?
The only thing I don't like about the Busa is the headlight set-up. It's like driving in a tunnel @ night, About the worst I've ever been on. I think my old FJ lite the corners better. I run highway lights on long trips and then take them off when I get there. Even though the 14's front-end looks a little overpowering I wonder how they light the corners at nite?
You need a HID. Trust me, you'll turn night into day. Can I get a witness.

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