Storing Bike For Winter? People up north.

Speed King

When do you folks that live up north usually store your bikes for the winter?:santa:

I am thinking of storing my bike next week, the temps are starting to drop and it is getting kinda chilly outside.

Here is my weather forecast for Minnesota:
My Dad just put the goldwing into storage. The X will go in about 2 weeks. He's near Milwaukee.
mine has been put up for about a month...only due to needing a new tire...soooo...she sits
i ride year round. in the snow. :laugh:
:whistle: but 1st snow i fill her up and put a little stabyl in the gas. i said i rode in the snow, i didn't say how much.:rofl:
those are perfect riding temperatures..once they get down to 30's then its cold. once it snows heavy then the bike gets put away
I ride as long as it is 40 or above. Once they start calling for lower than that, I throw some stabilizer in it and let it be until it gets warmer again.:thumbsup:
i never put her away, it's rare for snow to stay on the ground for more than a week straight here...i'm riding again as soon as the main roads are clear :beerchug:
Don't forget to change the oil, fill the tank and put fuel stabilizer in.

I change oil and the filter in the fall to remove the by products of combustion and wear
- water
- Acids and/or alkalies
- alcohol
- Carbon
- gasoline
- any metals or core sand from the engine sump:thumbsup:
Don't forget to change the oil, fill the tank and put fuel stabilizer in.

I change oil and the filter in the fall to remove the by products of combustion and wear
- water
- Acids and/or alkalies
- alcohol
- Carbon
- gasoline
- any metals or core sand from the engine sump:thumbsup:
Stabil for sure..modern gas turns too crap real quick.. as mentioned above..
In Iowa, i'll ride as long as the rodes are clear. The only thing I need to watch out for is that damn black ice. As far as the temperatures go, including the wind chill in my ride, i've ridden in the negatives for over an hour. Needless to say, a hot shower is highly recommended after that...
I ride until....oh wait nevermind. Lol. My bike has been away since August. :whistle:
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