I am about tired of everyone on here calling other people squids. If those of you pointing fingers do not want to attract attention when you are riding then why did you get a busa? My little brother rides a gsxr600 and enjoys doing wheelies. Some of you here would call that a squid but I don't. That is what he enjoys and he isn't stupid about it. Just like some of us enjoy louder bikes and some of us enjoy high hp bikes. If you can't appreciate and respect other riders for what they like then just shut the hell up and keep your high and mighty comments to yourself. I have seen Nicky Hayden out on the street on youtube on his personal bike riding wheelies and it is quite a loud bike. So would you call this moto GP champion that can outride any of us a squid? Just drop it.
Tom (Jet-li) has a good set of stubbies as well.. fairly quiet and are plenty rippy sounding..I've got Voodoo shorties. I'm far from a squid. I also dont sit at a stop light and bounce it off the limiter either. And it hasn't hurt the performance at all.