I watch it regularly too but then I used to street race cars back in the 80's so it appeals to me on many levels. Back in my day, a street car that went into the 10's was a fast car, these days that's a german family sedan!
I have to admit though, these cars are not street cars, they're full on race cars that happen to be playing on public roads. They're all trailered, none have license plates that I can see and slicks? Ha! No cop would let that slide... ask me how I know!
The show is obviously scripted. No one in the real world races with cameras present, and the fact that everyone on the show is known (as are their businesses) and filmed doing illegal activities, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what the real deal is. If you can get busted posting high-speed runs on the highway up on YouTube, these guys/gals would all be incarcerated by now.
Also, they always seem to be caught by the cops when testing, tuning and er, street cleaning yet on their big race night with dozens of trucks/trailers and massive stadium lighting, cops are no where to be found.
Whatever... it's better than American Chopper ever was!