My bad... Don't know what I was thinkin'... Good save Ken.It is a #3 Phillips.
yep...what he said....#3 bit and an impact driver...It is a #3 Phillips.
Thanks for putting into perspective. I know my problem is small compared to others, but it's still a pain none the less.I had a similar problem 2 yrs ago when I went to change the trans. fluid.
On the bottom of the engine is a set screw type plug to drain it.It uses an allen type wrench to loosen it,I used to use the socket type.Well this time it wouldn't budge so I got out my trusty hand impact driver,and that didn't work.
Being an impatient pain in teh a$$ that I am,I charged town to Sears and bought a bigger one.You know,the one you take tires of of a car with? LOL
Well all this did was strip the hex part of the plug.
So now the only thing I could do is drill it outta the case!
Well what I didn't know was that after I drilled it out,there was one of those magnets on the end of the plug,it was stuck inside the shifter pauls.
I went to tak it for a ride,no 2nd gear! WTF.
Had to take the whole tranny out just to get that magnet out.
Now that was a real joy!
Your problem is really minute my friend!
All this for an oil change......
Sorry,didn't mean to hijack your thread,point being,it could be waaayyyy worse.
BINGO....4get the effin screw... I never use it. Go for the barend. I can usually get them off with just hand strength.i would take a vice grip and a towel, wrap the towel around the bar end and hit it with the vice grip. voila. always worked for me.
+1i would take a vice grip and a towel, wrap the towel around the bar end and hit it with the vice grip. voila. always worked for me.
stick 40 bucks in each of our paypal accounts...Thanks to all for your advice and support. This is a very helpful group!
I hate greedy people....They charged me $20, but loosened the throttle side and clutch side screws so I could remove them when I got home.
What he said. Twist the impact wrench all the way counter clockwise first, then whack the crap out of it with the hammer.#3 phillips bit and an impact driver. The kind that you strike with a hammer. That will break them free without rounding them out if you haven't already gone too far with rounding them out already.