There was a saying that went "an average day on the range beats the best day in the office any day"

I haven't taken my firearms out of the safes for months except to clean them...I took all the batteries out of the optics and basically put them all into storage....the love for shooting has been lost for me..

Maybe if the current government we have here gets voted out in the next election all this foolishness will get reversed and we can get back on the ranges.
My range had too much drama. My family camp is a drive but no drama
My range had too much drama. My family camp is a drive but no drama
We have two ranges near me, one is run by an ex military Cpl who thinks he should have been a general and has pushed a lot of people away with his militant attitude...the other is run by an old farmer and he is max's a fun place to shoot as people respect him and keep it clean.

But most people don't go to ranges anymore because most of their firearms were banned and hunters (around here) don't normally take their hunting rifles to ranges when a gravel pit is just as good...

A good friend and ex colleague of mine recently closed his gun shop because most of the firearms people were interested in are now banned...he wasn't making enough to keep the lights on...
Just recently, we can no longer buy / sell AR's in Washington State. But it's ok to own / shoot them. For now.
Iron sights are fun. (Not that I'm any good with them...)

My M1893.

Iron sights are fun. (Not that I'm any good with them...)

My M1893.

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One of my troops had one of those Krag-Jorgesen handed down to him by his late grandfather but he didn't know what it was...he brought it to me and I knew....

I'm really good with iron sights, that's all we had when I was younger and the first few years of service, our weapons had iron peep sights...

Even later, I would carry iron sights and use them more than I used my halo thing about iron sights is they never ran out of batteries and weren't affected by light sources...
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My range had too much drama. My family camp is a drive but no drama

There was a saying that went "an average day on the range beats the best day in the office any day"

I haven't taken my firearms out of the safes for months except to clean them...I took all the batteries out of the optics and basically put them all into storage....the love for shooting has been lost for me..

Maybe if the current government we have here gets voted out in the next election all this foolishness will get reversed and we can get back on the ranges.
I fully understand and I enjoy collecting weapons and have most of my adult life and that is a serious stresser with the issues we face. Its not a political issue.. I think by now we know whats up! Actually half afraid to say to much online at any time for it may be used against you!
Beautiful. I really enjoy all weapons but can appreciate the old school stuff. They will never stop coming after of stuff and once its removed they will have their way with us like nothing we have ever seen and we are seeing a lot right now! Brazen

Enjoy all weapons? I’m jonesin for this wheelgun. Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, but the price really isn’t too bad.. :laugh:

Beautiful. I really enjoy all weapons but can appreciate the old school stuff. They will never stop coming after of stuff and once its removed they will have their way with us like nothing we have ever seen and we are seeing a lot right now! Brazen
Don’t worry. As evidenced by recent history it won’t matter what they take away if they don’t break the will they will never win. I don’t see the American spirit going out anytime soon.