but u live at the stationhouse correct?I work 24 and 48 hours at a time.
but u live at the stationhouse correct?I work 24 and 48 hours at a time.
there were no gloves.... and its better to wash hands THAN wear gloves anyway.… if a person wears gloves.... he is STILL touching every inmate anyway.… gloves are a false sense of security.... a persons skin IS A GLOVE.... I probably washed my hands 30 times in a 3hour period... what happened is I probably touched my face after touching the infected person..... mistakenly.... THEN i washed my hands,..... its a hard hard environment to be safe in.... im glad ure here to tell me how to do this job though....
ok.. didn't sound like u were joking..... I tried hard that day to not miss anything..... I looked way into grown mens asses... gross stuff...…… we did well though.... we found stuff...… the 3 other cases im not gonna mention…. they are gonna be outside charges..... serious stuff..... but as far as me transmitting sickness to others.... every chance I got I washed my hands.,... about every 2-3 inmates completed... I washed my hands,.... I had a line of 50 inmates lined up outside the VR...…..why do you get so defensive right away? I made a joke.... at no point i was critisizing you how you do your job. You are terribly sick now and had to deal with all those people - so they have probably all your flu now.
It was supposed to be funny - I thought actually we both were over that BS part? Or am I missing something here?
some of these guys are disgusting...… one guy had toilet paper jammed in his a-hole..... I had him remove it...… stand up..... cough..... bend over again,,,, spread his cheeks..... had to tell him again to SPEAD it waaaaaay open...…. I have to be able to SEE in there...… I have to.... this is a difficult thing to get an inmate to do...… they rtesent it..... many fights occur just from this fact..... they refuse..... then they go to isolation..... then at some point we FORCE strip them.... uncomfortable situation for all..... but some inmates just hope the officer isn't thorough and they get away with something.Hey Ali, you should learn some magic tricks. It would be funny to pull a bird out of a guys arse, or one of those endless scarfs. Ha ha ha ha ha
Oops I know laughing hurts. Feel better bro!
but u live at the stationhouse correct?
that's what I was thinking..... but being awake for 48 hours is torturous.... when I work doubles...… 16 hour shifts..... by the time I arrive home and eat something and shower..... I only have 3-4 hours to sleep...… then the next day I may get stuck again for another double..... I bitch all the time aboutn this because I think its unhealthy...… and also.,.. I have to be sharp.... Im looking for little things... im constantly monitoring inmates behavior.... trying to forsee the future.... trying to avoid a catastrophe.... ive been through 3 terrible situations already..... I don't ever wanna have a riot ever again...… ill lock down a whole block if I feel its unsafe and I cant get compliance.... rather than let the ringleader recruit others.,By definition, a station house is one that a set crew lives at for X amount of time. I'm at my station for X amount of hours in a row and then go home.
that's what I was thinking..... but being awake for 48 hours is torturous.... when I work doubles...… 16 hour shifts..... by the time I arrive home and eat something and shower..... I only have 3-4 hours to sleep...… then the next day I may get stuck again for another double..... I bitch all the time aboutn this because I think its unhealthy...… and also.,.. I have to be sharp.... Im looking for little things... im constantly monitoring inmates behavior.... trying to forsee the future.... trying to avoid a catastrophe.... ive been through 3 terrible situations already..... I don't ever wanna have a riot ever again...… ill lock down a whole block if I feel its unsafe and I cant get compliance.... rather than let the ringleader recruit others.,
lol... i wish I could sleep.... one newjack got caught sleeping a week ago on the 11pm till 7 am shift...… he is locked out now... and im glad he is locked out... the bhalz on this kid to actually have a lieutenant catch you sleeping on a housing unit...… makes me sick.... even on 11-7 shift..... these inmates attempt suicide quite regularly..... they also start fires...… but this new kid is ASLEEP on the block.... bad officer.... ya cant slack off in there.... or at least I never have.... I have seen the carnage.I do get the privilege of sleeping any time I want unless I'm on a call so I'm not awake the whole time.
lol... i wish I could sleep.... one newjack got caught sleeping a week ago on the 11pm till 7 am shift...… he is locked out now... and im glad he is locked out... the bhalz on this kid to actually have a lieutenant catch you sleeping on a housing unit...… makes me sick.... even on 11-7 shift..... these inmates attempt suicide quite regularly..... they also start fires...… but this new kid is ASLEEP on the block.... bad officer.... ya cant slack off in there.... or at least I never have.... I have seen the carnage.
EXACTLY.... but in my case.... anyone who sleeps on the job is taken to task.... there are exceptions... like someone with 20 plus years on the job who works in the tower..... (they are probably fishing buddies with the captain),,,,,, but even then.... if a catastrophe occurs(escape/sexual assault).…. the tower officer better be able to explain(in writing) why he missed it..... its best to just DO THE JOB...… we are all family/ we are supposed to look out for one another though..... but some people make it impossible...…Yeah its encouraged to rest often in my line of work. Last thing you want to do is be tired and miss something.
Case in point: had a patient last night with a collapsed lung. Signs and symptoms weren't immediately noticeable until several minutes later. Once they were noticed, I was able to put a needle in his chest to decompress it.
Someone who is exhausted may or may not catch that.
u laugh.… but the newest scam they run is to wrap whatever they are hiding in tape..... jam it waaaaaaaay inside their rectum..... and have string of dental floss tied to the contraband hanging out of their azz......…. BUSTED...…. I also have found dental floss tied to a tooth...… they swallow the contraband.... and tie the string that is tied to the contraband to their tooth...… so when I look inside their mouth now,,,,, im basically looking for dental floss in between their teeth/ something hidden in their mouth...Hey Ali, you should learn some magic tricks. It would be funny to pull a bird out of a guys arse, or one of those endless scarfs. Ha ha ha ha ha
Oops I know laughing hurts. Feel better bro!