Well Fug Me!, I just got back (2342hrs) from another of the Wife's "corporate dinner things and now I am feeling a little fugged up... Too much caffine, too much food, too much booze... I'll prolly be wide eyed till about 0400 now, so I'll be useless come 0900... I'm kinda pissed because we all sat down to dinner at 1900 and we didn't leave the place until 2320... Was a real good time, great food, half assed service, nice place...FREE, yeah free is good... but dayum, took an awfully long time for four courses and a fuggin cup of coffee...
We'll see, actually, give me till 0910 at Kash N Karry. Raider I'll have my phone in the Hump, so Call and leave a message if something goes TU and I need to meet you elsewhere.
So yeah, actually I will try to be there...