Sunday Ride - 20 Tampa Area Riders

No man, there really are some raods with a few corners in em' out here... Really......
I heard everyone had an awesome time! Lots of bikes and lots of cool pics too. I wasn't able to go. I wasn't feeling to hot and by the looks of the ride and how fast you guys were going I dont even think I could've kept up. I need a lot of practice before I can do this Sunday ride. By the way, TheKatsMeow was riding awesome I heard. She gets better and better everytime! B-sting was taking a video of the ride the whole time and I got to see it when everyone got home. It looked so cool and I even got to see Cecils ROAD BLOCK! Sound like you all had fun. Sorry I missed you guys and I'm really sorry TKM. I was looking forward to hangin with ya but I saw the video of you guys going 120 mph or faster and I got nervous.
I've been riding around town and getting better. Can you believe B-sting dropped his cell and someone found it! WOW!
I heard everyone had an awesome time! Lots of bikes and lots of cool pics too. I  wasn't able to go. I wasn't feeling to hot and by the looks of the ride and how fast you guys were going I dont even think I could've kept up. I need a lot of practice before I can do this Sunday ride.  By the way, TheKatsMeow was riding awesome I heard. She gets better and better everytime! B-sting was taking a video of the ride the whole time and I got to see it when everyone got home. It looked so cool and I even got to see Cecils ROAD BLOCK! Sound like you all had fun. Sorry I missed you guys and I'm really sorry TKM. I was looking forward to hangin with ya but I saw the video of you guys going 120 mph or faster and I got nervous.
I've been riding around town and getting better. Can you believe B-sting dropped his cell and someone found it! WOW!
You would of done fine...
We had grandpa on the black Busa bringing up the rear on the way to the Hess

We always stop and wait for anyone who needs time to catch up at all the stop signs and cross roads.
We make it a point to "Ride at your own pace".

TKM did great!

Maybe next time you can come out with us also.

Did B-Sting get any of Diesel's wheelies on video?
No man, there really are some raods with a few corners in em' out here... Really......
Really? I was beginnin' to wonder if ya'll occasionally turned into random driveways just to get to lean them beeyotches a little.
Nice sweepers in the latest pics. Startin' to look a bit more fun.
Of course it'd be fun just to roll out with a bunch of good folks even if was all "FL twisties"...
Can you believe B-sting dropped his cell and someone found it! WOW!
I can believe it. I hit Cheaha Mountian in Alabama on Train one day and lost mine. When I got home that evenin' I had messages on my home phone from half the folks in my cell's "phone book" sayin' some lady had left them voice mails sayin' she found a phone with their number in it. She finally got someone to answer and they told me how to get in touch with her. Had to drive all the way back over to Cheaha to the campgrounds to get my phone.
Turned out they live within 15 miles of me. Could have picked it up at their house when they came home from campin' if I had known...

Oh well, they were great folks. I ended up sittin' by the camp fire with 'em for a while that evenin' just shootin' the breeze. Heck of a way to make new friends, huh?
I heard everyone had an awesome time! Lots of bikes and lots of cool pics too. I  wasn't able to go. I wasn't feeling to hot and by the looks of the ride and how fast you guys were going I dont even think I could've kept up. I need a lot of practice before I can do this Sunday ride.  By the way, TheKatsMeow was riding awesome I heard. She gets better and better everytime! B-sting was taking a video of the ride the whole time and I got to see it when everyone got home. It looked so cool and I even got to see Cecils ROAD BLOCK! Sound like you all had fun. Sorry I missed you guys and I'm really sorry TKM. I was looking forward to hangin with ya but I saw the video of you guys going 120 mph or faster and I got nervous.
I've been riding around town and getting better. Can you believe B-sting dropped his cell and someone found it! WOW!
If you go with us, I wouldn't be going that fast.. I'd stay with you in the back. Heck I'm back there anyway.
They always wait at the stops and turns for us slow riders. And it IS ALWAYS at your own pace. You should never try to ride outside of your skill level.

I'm sure Deisel wouldn't let you out of his site either.. Joker still slows down every now and again until he sees my headlight. Just gotta make sure I'm still back there. Then he tries to lose me again..
(J/K.. love ya honey)

Sunday rides are where I got my practice.... learning the roads, listening to the guys talk about what happened on this and that corner, getting to know your bike.. it all helps you learn. Next time tho.. and maybe the group will be a little smaller.. riding 20+ can be nerve racking when you haven't ridden a group ride before.
Did B-Sting get any of Diesel's wheelies on video?
I got him doing a little one. My battery died before I got the better one he did.

I keep asking him to come out to a road I practice my wheelies on, so we can take some good vids.

I'm trying to get Diesel to get a cam mount and Cam to take vids also. Its really cool playing it back in surround sound, with speakers cranked!! Makes everyone feel like they are there.
WHOA!!! YA'll better ease up here... A little TOO much LEANIN... He he he....

Where the hell were you guys riding??? No wonder I didn't see no one....
