It's better than last year for sure. I watch it sometimes, and some of it is interesting. I can't get over how the CHP guys were putting those big bikes around the tight stuff and on the track. And while they were on the track , hitting speeds up to 120 MPH, with NO GEAR other than a helmet, and some boots. Bare sleeves! Can't believe they don't make the officers wear some kind of additional gear on the track and on patrol. One other comment I would make about the show, and almost all TV in general, that almost makes watching impossiable for me for any length of time. Who determined that the general public can't watch more than 3 seconds of a frame, scene, picture or whatever, before they change to something else. It's like giving the remote to my wife and have her blaze through all the channels looking for CSI while I'm trying to watch TV. Guess they think we can't have an attention span of more than 3 seconds.