Super Ultra Mega Clean

good "scientific study" on the effects of various cleaners on O-rings (not a good outcome for WD-40)
PART II WD-40 O-ring exposure effect results - ADVrider

Honestly, those results show absolutly nothing....

In order to get any amount of useful data, there needs to be a significantly larger sample size...

under those test conditions its hard to say if it was a bad o-ring, or if it was a result of the solvent or both..

Maybe the control was a particularly strong o-ring compared to the rest...

Maybe the brake fluid a particularly weak specimin...

Point is, a sample size of one tells absolutly nothing about failure rate...

when i do failure analysis like this, counts are usually up in the hundreds of specimins in order to get a usefull statistical probability...

including the control...

most materials don't have absolute failure points, some are stronger, some are weaker...

Just saying...
Diesel fuel on a rag or brush. Cheap and works VERY well causing zero damage to the rings.
Posted via Mobile Device
Question how about the gunk buildup behind the front sprocket cover. Mine is nasty up there to the point i was thinking hitting it with gunk and spraying it out. Anything up inside there that this would affect or should i get a tooth brush and siphon some fuel outta the truck:whistle:
Honestly, those results show absolutely nothing....

In order to get any amount of useful data, there needs to be a significantly larger sample size...

under those test conditions its hard to say if it was a bad o-ring, or if it was a result of the solvent or both..

Maybe the control was a particularly strong o-ring compared to the rest...

Maybe the brake fluid a particularly weak specimen...

Point is, a sample size of one tells absolutely nothing about failure rate...

when i do failure analysis like this, counts are usually up in the hundreds of specimens in order to get a useful statistical probability...

including the control...

most materials don't have absolute failure points, some are stronger, some are weaker...

Just saying...[

you are correct and I agree with you 100% (I stayed awake during STATISTICS class in college :) ) Which is why I as I had mentioned in an earlier post, I used QUOTATION MARKS ( a little tongue-in-cheek) :whistle:
Question how about the gunk buildup behind the front sprocket cover. Mine is nasty up there to the point i was thinking hitting it with gunk and spraying it out. Anything up inside there that this would affect or should i get a tooth brush and siphon some fuel outta the truck:whistle:
spraying it out might make a hell of a mess but i don't think you will hurt anything. i just use diesel fuel on a toothbrush for the cleaning to work around the sprocket and a final wipe down with a rag.
Kerosene works well as others said, just make sure you don't try and Cheat and have the bike running in gear on the stands, good way to lose a finger....

Sent from Droid using Tapatalk

I have seen video and pictures of the carnage by people who cheated cleaning there chain! Ouch!:rulez:
Chain is off, currently in the process of changing all sprockets, rotors, pads and chain out so the bike is pretty much empty in the back, I just gotta find some kerosene now or WD40
Get your chain warmed up real good then spray Dupont Chain lube on it. This stuff will clean your chain to look like new and when it dries out this lube does not sling off. It's like using kerosene and chain lube in one easy step. A warning though, put something behind the chain and on the floor to catch the mess. After two rounds on the chain it will shine and spin like new. Included a pic and they sell it at Lowes! Best stuff I have found!

+100 to Dupont posted by fishhook. A lot of happy users for bikes, maybe why Dupont came up with a similar product:
Yep, I forgot to add in my post, after cleaning the chain, I use the Dupont Chain lube, that Fishhook posted, as well. :thumbsup: