Oh boy, I had to log in on this one.
Question: What happens if you lean your bike too far LEFT or too far RIGHT?
You FALL, just like our country !!
Look I am from Texas, and hey I voted Democratic, yeah, yeah lesser of two evils. I had hang ups with Kerry on the whole gay marriage thing. I am a Christian and I believe Men go with Women, Boys with Girls (unless R. Kelly gets em first), and that is it. Kerry wasn't firm enough on certain issues.
Bush is a cowboy, like most of you all think we here inTexas are. He has said and done some weird things. He currently has us assed out in Iraq and broke as shid here at home.
Please understand that you can't be too liberal or too conservative. I like my guns and I don't care for homosexuals.
Y'all are really gonna love this. I'd vote for good ole Billy Clint all over again. Why? When he was in office, there were people who didn't want to work working. Yeah he got a little head in the oval office and he used smoke the ganja, but how many of us aren't guilty of the same thing. Besides most senators and representatives regularly engage in sexual misconduct, alot of them with kids. I'd rather have a man with a few faults that I can live with. You must admit Clinton was more of a conservative democrat, maybe not with his sexual exploits. He was still the man, and if he could win again, and if he solve our country's unemployment issues and get us out of Iraq, I'd personally drive him a bus load of whores up there !!
At the end of the day the rich get richer, and the low man on the totem pole pays for it. The answer is to get up, get out, and do something for our damn self. I promise I am constantly working on improving myself mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually. God does not see Red or Blue, he sees people of all orientations. Everytime we make it back home from a good ride, especially if we had a near miss, we thank God, don't we? Or at least we should.
I just pray for our country as a whole, because our problems won't be solved today or tomorrow, but maybe someday when we (the U.S.) takes care of ourselves and stops wasting money in a country that does not want our help or democracy, when we have people here starving, homeless, unemployed, etc.
For all you scholars, yeah it was a run-on sentence, but fu*k it I'm from Texas, and I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Good riding to you all, and remember keep it on two wheels or one, not too far LEFT and not to far RIGHT !!