Sure, Bush won, but...

I know it's over and done with.  But has anyone taken a look at the map and seen the states that Bush won in?

Those in those states that I'm about to mention, my apologies in advance.  Scary to know that the fate of our nation has been decided by those in states that have an IQ and education level that is less than those that Kerry won in.  On the AVERAGE.

Most of the ones that Bush won in by way of electorial votes more than likely don't even understand what electorial vote is.  Some can't even spell electorial in those states!  Scary...  

Before some of you get all huffy & puffy,  really take a look at that CNN map.  Seems like the states with the higher average education and IQ voted for Kerry: Cal, NY, PA, HW, WA, etc...

So, without intentional offense, in a nutshell, every aspect of where our great nation will be headed in the next 6 years (2 more after the term, because that's probably how long it will take to clean up after Bush's current term is over) has on the AVERAGE been decided by a bunch of.... slower people.

And for those in the military that primarily backed Bush?  Nice work!  And to reward you, he's over extending your combat tour over at Iraq, and sending over another 12000 poor souls to join you in the fox holes.
Ok genius, what state abreviated HW
Wrong topic for this forum, but let me say one thing and then I'll leave it alone. If you are not the owner of a big business or extremely wealthy, then we are ALL in the same boat. The funny part is is that people, whether they are Democrat or Republican, actually believe they are being represented by their candidate. When, in reality, we are all gettin' f_cked! Politics is no more than a good college football game. Like I said once before in another thread (and the appropriate forum...
), most people just vote because of their party affiliation, and nothing else. It's always about US vs. THEM, when in actuality, we are in the same boat no matter who wins. Look at it this way: Democrats and Republicans pay the same for gasoline. Democrats as well as Republicans are off fighting these wars. So please tell me who the real winners are?
What we need to do is stop bickering amongst ourselves and really get involved and vote for the candidate who can do what's right for us all. Democrats vs. Republicans remind me of the O.J. Simpson trial. When the verdict was handed down, Black America were jumping up for joy, while White America was disgusted. So tell me this: Who won anything there? Fact remains that someone lost a life, and we finally saw that our judicial system has flaws. Or does it?
Point is, I don't have an affiliation to either party because all politics has become are BIG MONEY popularity contests, and we as the American public feed off of it as though if we pick a side, we are going to win something. Now how ignorant does that #### sound? So as not to sound like a beeothch or a whiner, I do have some ideas about solutions to our problems. Too bad I don't have the resources or the backing to run for public office.
Anyway, I think that there should be a bi-partisan committee made of officials with no ties to a party affiliation and have no vested interest in either candidate. Let them scrutinize the candidate's history instead of the opposing candidate, or the opposing candidates team. Put the facts on the table for ALL OF AMERICA to see and then let them decide. Get rid of the electoral colleges and pick a winner based on popular vote so that YOUR vote will TRULY mean something. I'm no fan of Bush or Kerry, but the fact remains that if either wins, somebody is unhappy. It's really sad how our country is so divided. So divided and so controversial that we now have to have lawyers at the polls to oversee elections in order to make sure the election process is run justly. Come on ladies and gentlemen. Does anyone actually think that they WON ANYTHING?

I'm Brian Charles... and I approve this message.


I'm Brian Charles... and I approve this message.  
I like that.

I will disagree with some of what you said Brian. Sure on the nat'l level the candidates are a bit distant from us but on the local level it's another story. I know tha MY local state rep is interested in my views. I once e-mailed him while he was in Tallahassee concerning an issue, he e-mailed me back with his cell phone number, I called him and we met for lunch at the Cracker Barrell that Sunday. Some elected officials are accessible.


I'm Brian Charles... and I approve this message.  
I like that.

I will disagree with some of what you said Brian. Sure on the nat'l level the candidates are a bit distant from us but on the local level it's another story. I know tha MY local state rep is interested in my views. I once e-mailed him while he was in Tallahassee concerning an issue, he e-mailed me back with his cell phone number, I called him and we met for lunch at the Cracker Barrell that Sunday. Some elected officials are accessible.

I'm willing to bet that those type representatives are VERY FEW and VERY FAR BETWEEN. While I will agree, that there are some politicians out there who are genuinely concerned and care, you have to be very careful. Word of mouth advertising is FREE and it's one of the best forms of advertising. Goes a pretty long way in getting re-elected. Kevin, what you're saying about your local official should go over real well with people in YOUR state or district, but I'm speaking of America as a whole. Government is the only institution that makes the illegal legal. Oh yeah, the government and Las Vegas...


eynlai, Moved it for you... I agree and I disagree...

There is a huge difference between Education and Intelligence. Don't ever assume that because a person doesn't have a skin pinned to the wall that they aren't smarter than you, more wise, and more "With It". That being said, look at the average IQ of the General population as a whole. It's pretty interesting, and kind of spooky.

Take off your blinders man, try to think outside your comfort zone, your box once in awhile. It's hard to do because introducing large amounts of common fuggin sense into one's psyche is scary to some, it complicates things. Give it a try though.

Mostly I am disgusted with the entire political machine we have in place right now. That these two Idiots were the best we could produce for the most powerful office in the world. That our choices were limited to a Corrupt Fuggin Texas Hillbilly OR a Warped, Two Faced, Ultra Liberal wind bag....

Fug me... One reason to NOT move to California is the Politics. Shid, you all elected a fugging Nazi Raised, Steroid Freak Entertainer for your Governor, WTF? And your going to point fingers at the rest of the nation??? I don't think so...
Now it's time for all of us to stand behind the man in the oval office and see if we can't clean up some of this mess we are in! United we stand, devided we fall!
We are in a big mess right now. That's the problem right now. The party lines and divisions were soooo strong this past election that is seemed to have divided even us Americans. It saddens me greatly because it is so true that "DIVIDED WE FALL." I supported Kerry but I accept the fact that he lost. I don't support Bush's economic or foreign policy but I'm trying my best to stand behind our President anyway. What bothers me is the cost of living has skyrocketed since he took office. But you can't put the blame on him entirely b/c Interest Rates were at their All Time Lows a little less than 4 years ago.

He plans to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and start tapping reserves in Northern Alaska and even the Colorado Rockies. Much of the water supply in the West Coast originates from the Colorado Rockies and then into the Colorado River. Makes me wonder why the Head of the Department of Energy resigned this past November.

Anyways, I don't wanna rant too much because that's what it's starting to sound like. Let's get back to riding shall we?
Oh boy, I had to log in on this one.
Question: What happens if you lean your bike too far LEFT or too far RIGHT?

You FALL, just like our country !!

Look I am from Texas, and hey I voted Democratic, yeah, yeah lesser of two evils. I had hang ups with Kerry on the whole gay marriage thing. I am a Christian and I believe Men go with Women, Boys with Girls (unless R. Kelly gets em first), and that is it. Kerry wasn't firm enough on certain issues.

Bush is a cowboy, like most of you all think we here inTexas are. He has said and done some weird things. He currently has us assed out in Iraq and broke as shid here at home.

Please understand that you can't be too liberal or too conservative. I like my guns and I don't care for homosexuals.

Y'all are really gonna love this. I'd vote for good ole Billy Clint all over again. Why? When he was in office, there were people who didn't want to work working. Yeah he got a little head in the oval office and he used smoke the ganja, but how many of us aren't guilty of the same thing. Besides most senators and representatives regularly engage in sexual misconduct, alot of them with kids. I'd rather have a man with a few faults that I can live with. You must admit Clinton was more of a conservative democrat, maybe not with his sexual exploits. He was still the man, and if he could win again, and if he solve our country's unemployment issues and get us out of Iraq, I'd personally drive him a bus load of whores up there !!

At the end of the day the rich get richer, and the low man on the totem pole pays for it. The answer is to get up, get out, and do something for our damn self. I promise I am constantly working on improving myself mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually. God does not see Red or Blue, he sees people of all orientations. Everytime we make it back home from a good ride, especially if we had a near miss, we thank God, don't we? Or at least we should.

I just pray for our country as a whole, because our problems won't be solved today or tomorrow, but maybe someday when we (the U.S.) takes care of ourselves and stops wasting money in a country that does not want our help or democracy, when we have people here starving, homeless, unemployed, etc.

For all you scholars, yeah it was a run-on sentence, but fu*k it I'm from Texas, and I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Good riding to you all, and remember keep it on two wheels or one, not too far LEFT and not to far RIGHT !!
Oh boy, I had to log in on this one.
Question: What happens if you lean your bike too far LEFT or too far RIGHT?

You FALL, just like our country !!

Look I am from Texas, and hey I voted Democratic, yeah, yeah lesser of two evils.  I had hang ups with Kerry on the whole gay marriage thing.  I am a Christian and I believe Men go with Women, Boys with Girls (unless R. Kelly gets em first), and that is it. Kerry wasn't firm enough on certain issues.

Bush is a cowboy, like most of you all think we here inTexas are.  He has said and done some weird things.  He currently has us assed out in Iraq and broke as shid here at home.

Please understand that you can't be too liberal or too conservative.  I like my guns and I don't care for homosexuals.  

Y'all are really gonna love this.  I'd vote for good ole Billy Clint all over again.  Why? When he was in office, there were people who didn't want to work working.  Yeah he got a little head in the oval office and he used smoke the ganja, but how many of us aren't guilty of the same thing.  Besides most senators and representatives regularly engage in sexual misconduct, alot of them with kids.  I'd rather have a man with a few faults that I can live with.  You must admit Clinton was more of a conservative democrat, maybe not with his sexual exploits.  He was still the man, and if he could win again, and if he solve our country's unemployment issues and get us out of Iraq, I'd personally drive him a bus load of whores up there !!

At the end of the day the rich get richer, and the low man on the totem pole pays for it.  The answer is to get up, get out, and do something for our damn self.  I promise I am constantly working on improving myself mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually.  God does not see Red or Blue, he sees people of all orientations.  Everytime we make it back home from a good ride, especially if we had a near miss, we thank God, don't we?  Or at least we should.

I just pray for our country as a whole, because our problems won't be solved today or tomorrow, but maybe someday when we (the U.S.) takes care of ourselves and stops wasting money in a country that does not want our help or democracy, when we have people here starving, homeless, unemployed, etc.

For all you scholars, yeah it was a run-on sentence, but fu*k it I'm from Texas, and I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Good riding to you all, and remember keep it on two wheels or one, not too far LEFT and not to far RIGHT !!
Well Said... I mean for a cowboy..
Just Playin...

Only one problem, Otherwise I am with you sorta except for Clinton... and this...

At the end of the day the rich get richer, and the low man on the totem pole pays for it. [/QUOTE]

This attitude is part of whats broken in America... Nothing in life is free, no-one is out there giving away Mercedes. There isn't some "Club" that helps out their buddies. In America you can sink or swim, it's up to you. The Rich do keep getting wealthier sure, but that's more a factor of Interest and Investments than special tax breaks for 5% of Americans. Point is, there are NO Limits to how far any of us can go. If you want to be wealthy, you want the Big House? Get an education, work hard, Invest carefully and BAM, more than likely you'll get there.

Here's the problem, say dude A makes $300k a year. Not Rich, but doing really good. Say dude A pays only 10% income tax or $30k a year. OK cool.

Allright well now Dude B makes $50k a year, just above the National Household average. And He's paying 35% income tax, WTF? It amounts to $17,500. Well I guess thats not TOO bad...

Now, Should Dude A being paying Double what dude B is paying for the SAME services? It's not like Dude A spends more time on a Bus, or More time living and breathing American Air is he? So WHY should he be paying Double? Should he be punished because he's wealthy? Should he be made to suffer or be taxed till it stings? No..

Don't hate the wealthy, don't envy the wealthy.

They got where they are at through hard work, education and some luck. Besides the wealthy tend to provide alot of jobs.
justint-- I thought I would get a smile outa ya
Hope all is well.

techbum: YES it is!!!! How about the price of eggs in China? have u all heard?
Before this election calling themselves the sexest. Now calling themselves the smartest. What's next election ?
Unique this time around is insulting voters, that's a first.
Put on same level as background noise, is not worth a response anylonger. Just labeled now like they did with everyone else. Narrow minded, smart-ass, intolerant, narcissistic, hypocrites, un-hinged and dangerous.
This sure sounds like one of those:
"No offense, but..." types of threads.

I'm not going to discuss politics, because it is always a losing battle no matter which side you're on.

No matter which side you're on, the following statement can apply to you:

<span style='color:blue'>If you do not like the way this country is being run, then either do something to help change it, or find a better country to live in. Good luck to you either way.</span>
Another form of that statement is:

If you don't like it, then get the #### out.
This sure sounds like one of those:
   "No offense, but..." types of threads.

I'm not going to discuss politics, because it is always a losing battle no matter which side you're on.

No matter which side you're on, the following statement can apply to you:

<span style='color:blue'>If you do not like the way this country is being run, then either do something to help change it, or find a better country to live in.  Good luck to you either way.</span>
I know it's over and done with.  But has anyone taken a look at the map and seen the states that Bush won in?

Those in those states that I'm about to mention, my apologies in advance.  Scary to know that the fate of our nation has been decided by those in states that have an IQ and education level that is less than those that Kerry won in.  On the AVERAGE.

Most of the ones that Bush won in by way of electorial votes more than likely don't even understand what electorial vote is.  Some can't even spell electorial in those states!  Scary...  

Before some of you get all huffy & puffy,  really take a look at that CNN map.  Seems like the states with the higher average education and IQ voted for Kerry: Cal, NY, PA, HW, WA, etc...

So, without intentional offense, in a nutshell, every aspect of where our great nation will be headed in the next 6 years (2 more after the term, because that's probably how long it will take to clean up after Bush's current term is over) has on the AVERAGE been decided by a bunch of.... slower people.

And for those in the military that primarily backed Bush?  Nice work!  And to reward you, he's over extending your combat tour over at Iraq, and sending over another 12000 poor souls to join you in the fox holes.
Resisting the impulse to insult people, I would say that this is some of the most ridiculas logic I have ever seen. You can't take a state's average IQ and look at who won in that state and then jump to the conclusion that smart people support one candidate and dumb people support another.

First of all, really dumb people probably don't even vote, so you would first need IQ data on the 50% of the state's population that actually voted.

--Secondly, this logic assumes that people don't have other external motivations for the way that they vote. Did it ever occur to you that people in WA and the NW are interested in environmental issues and may vote along those lines. People in highly populated urban areas may be interested in crime and vote along those lines. People in farm communities may be interested in agricultural subsidies, and so on, and so on. How in the hell do you make it a smart vs dumb issue.

--Third, if that logic were true, how could you justify some of the so called smarter states electing pro Bush Republican Govenors. Are they stupic when it comes to Govenors, but then get smart when it comes to Presidents.

We are all Americans dude. The election is over. Get over it. If you don't like the winner, try to educate people on issues. You aren't gonna get very far calling people stupid because they live elsewhere or dissagree with your politics.