Suzuki cheese


Dudes. This is the third issue I have found out about the Gen II Busa that, IMO, is just plain crap.

As I've previously mentioned, the Busa footpegs are kinda tall for my liking. I was just going to get the Buell footpegs and be done with it, but it would be nice if someone made actual footpeg lowering brackets like I have on my Blackbird. Then you could fit a set of nice aftermarket pegs, like the black-anodized Oberon footpegs I have on the footpeg lowering brackets on the XX.

Well, hell.... maybe I should just experiment trying to fit the XX footpeg brackets on the Busa, just to see if by chance they would bolt right up. So, I went to remove the Busa's OEM left footpeg.

It was only then that I really noticed this exhaust mid-pipe indentation.... WTF is this cheese?


Full size photo of cheesy dent

Holy fooking $hit, are you KIDDING me here?! This can't be right! Musta been damaged during factory assembly, right?


I call up my dealer, who checked with Suzuki Technical Division down in Brea, California.... yep, that's how it's suppose to be! Jeeze.... if the indentation is done on purpose from the factory, you would think it would be a nice, even, symmetrical "scallop" that was formed during the manufacturing process. This damn thing looks like some hammerhead just took a pair of pliers to it and squeeze the dog doo-doo out of it!

Than I took a real good, hard look at it..... DAAAAAAYMN, that is exactly what they did! Look at this close up (or click the link below this image to see it in its proper size).... you can plainly see the teeth marks from a set of channel-locks or whatever vise-like tool that was used:


Full size photo of teeth marks on dented pipe

Come on, Suzuki.... this is the best you can do for your "flagship" model?

Alright.... in the end, this isn't a huge big screaming deal. It's not like it's impacting performance, and it's not like these stock bazookas are going to stay on the bike very long, but.... that's not really the point. There is plenty of clearance between the pipe and the closest adjacent component. Should just left it alone, Suzuki!

Oh, well.... like I say, it ain't all *that* big a deal, but still, it's kinda disappointing to see this and think Suzuki did it intentionally and apparently thinks it's acceptable. I think it's cheese, but again, it won't bother me when the TiForce pipes are in place.

But youse guys who live near the salty coastline, you might wanna keep an eye out to see how fast corrosions starts to attack the damaged/scratch plating where the plier teeth marks are located....

I would Please ask you to use a better choice of works in your post.
after all I DO NOT use your name to discribe something take I do not like
I noticed two similar dents in mine when I took them off last night. Interesting, indeed.

I don't have the 'teeth marks', though, just two dents.
WC I always find your posts interesting and informative thanks for sharing.

Its my understanding that the process of bending exhaust tubes without reducing the diameter in the bends is quite an expensive one. I cant imagine this pipe being formed this way for no reason. After all wasted effort is wasted money and I don't see them doing that.
Whatever the reason its not conductive to flowing gasses I would think. If its not a clearance issue or a bend could it be to increase back pressure for a desired result? Just noodling here  
If its not a clearance issue or a bend could it be to increase back pressure for a desired result? Just noodling here
Well, anything's possible, I suppose. The catalytic converter already provides a substantial amount of flow restriction... if you've ever looked closely at the honeycomb maze inside a cat, it's stunning how much metal is in there.

I have to suspect their motivation/mindset was that of increasing clearance in this area, though there is no indication it is needed whatsoever.

If they felt the need to introduce addition flow restriction (unlikely IMO, but for argument's sake....), then they should have taken their visegrips to a portion of the exhaust line that can't be readily seen. In a way, they kinda-sorta did that anyway, as this indentation isn't really all that obvious until you look under the stock footpeg.

Meh..... not gonna loose any sleep over it.... a new exhaust will make the world sweet again.
