dadofthree Seasoned Beef Donating Member Registered Dec 21, 2008 #21 john74 said: = Get out of the road (thats how you say it in Greek) same thing everywhere,right? heheheheh Click to expand... Page
john74 said: = Get out of the road (thats how you say it in Greek) same thing everywhere,right? heheheheh Click to expand... Page
888 HAYABUSA Registered Dec 21, 2008 #22 kot said: my plan is to be in Greece from 30 may till 11 june. want to ride busa and see your beutiful and warm country. ok will contact you later! Click to expand... Ok man,just keep us informend.. U can see pics of our Sunday ride here..We just came back frozen http://
kot said: my plan is to be in Greece from 30 may till 11 june. want to ride busa and see your beutiful and warm country. ok will contact you later! Click to expand... Ok man,just keep us informend.. U can see pics of our Sunday ride here..We just came back frozen http://
john74 Registered Dec 21, 2008 #23 kot said: my plan is to be in Greece from 30 may till 11 june. want to ride busa and see your beutiful and warm country. ok will contact you later! Click to expand... sure,if 888 organizes a ride when you arrive (he is the ADMIN in the Greek Hayabusazone) he is the boss
kot said: my plan is to be in Greece from 30 may till 11 june. want to ride busa and see your beutiful and warm country. ok will contact you later! Click to expand... sure,if 888 organizes a ride when you arrive (he is the ADMIN in the Greek Hayabusazone) he is the boss
kot Registered Feb 19, 2009 #24 what is the conditions usually in beginin of June in Greece? is there any possibility for rain? should i take rain gear with me?
what is the conditions usually in beginin of June in Greece? is there any possibility for rain? should i take rain gear with me?
99'busa Donating Member Registered Feb 19, 2009 #25 have you checked their forum. Make sure you post pics here for us lease:
99'busa Donating Member Registered Feb 19, 2009 #26 888 HAYABUSA said: Ok man,just keep us informend.. U can see pics of our Sunday ride here..We just came back frozen http:// Click to expand... this linky no worky
888 HAYABUSA said: Ok man,just keep us informend.. U can see pics of our Sunday ride here..We just came back frozen http:// Click to expand... this linky no worky
G gixxerpap Registered Feb 19, 2009 #27 kot said: what is the conditions usually in beginin of June in Greece? is there any possibility for rain? should i take rain gear with me? Click to expand... if you like wearing it while swimming ....
kot said: what is the conditions usually in beginin of June in Greece? is there any possibility for rain? should i take rain gear with me? Click to expand... if you like wearing it while swimming ....
kot Registered Feb 23, 2009 #28 so no rain at all? even few drops? how you live there without rain?! should be boring
Mythos Registered Dec 1, 2010 #30 HillbillyTom said: Dang! You beat me to it. Click to expand... I was thinking the same thing butt I wasn't going to say anything> Hi HB. Good to see ya. Rook
HillbillyTom said: Dang! You beat me to it. Click to expand... I was thinking the same thing butt I wasn't going to say anything> Hi HB. Good to see ya. Rook
Busa1166 Donating Member Registered Dec 2, 2010 #31 twotonevert said: Is there an english side? Click to expand... browser translated it Thought all the browsers did that.
twotonevert said: Is there an english side? Click to expand... browser translated it Thought all the browsers did that.