Suzuki's Comments on the 2010 Busa

Maybe you could tell him to forget the new colors and stear him into something
a bit more important....
Something along the lines of this thread...

Also, clue him in on the way Zuk runs the demo rides...they suck, Suzuki is the absolute
worst and the laughing stock of the show for organization. And it's that way every time, they
don't get any better. They need to go down and watch how Kawasaki runs
their program...not to mention the bikes they bring.

I'm in the market for a new job...he can contact me if they need some help :cheerleader:

Dude....The Busa was never designed to compete against the R1 or any other liter bike. And then you add in the weight difference between the two brothers mentioned in that thread, and it's just meritless. So I'm not sure why you keep posting that 08busa-vs-07r1 thread as if there's some correlation.
I can't argue w/ you that the Busa could benefit from some technical updates...I just feel that particular comparison thread and others I have seen don't hold water when you compare apples to apples.
Dude....The Busa was never designed to compete against the R1 or any other liter bike. And then you add in the weight difference between the two brothers mentioned in that thread, and it's just meritless. So I'm not sure why you keep posting that 08busa-vs-07r1 thread as if there's some correlation.
I can't argue w/ you that the Busa could benefit from some technical updates...I just feel that particular comparison thread and others I have seen don't hold water when you compare apples to apples.

Oh for the love of....

The Busa was designed to not have competition period. It was designed to be the
undisputed land missle and kill all fleas with the sledgehammer. No other bike
was in the picture, period. :banghead:

Now I can understand how a new liter can hold pace with a Gen 1 Busa...
it's a ten year old design (although I can't understand why Suzuki let it go for
ten years without so much as a brake upgrade) like I said, I can see a new
liter giving a Gen 1 a run as it is a TEN YEAR OLD DESIGN...I can't see a new
liter giving a Gen 1.5 a run as it is a ONE YEAR OLD DESIGN. They've updated
cheaply up to the bar everyone else is at.

Weight be damed...we were not making excuses of weight and talking
sprocket changes in '99, 2000, 2001...etc. Here's a clue...the liter bikes
weighed less back then too..

Not to mention...if they wouldn't have cheaped the update...OUR BIKES SHOULD

Hey you guys want to revel in your 15hp update and worry about BOLD NEW
GRAPHICS for the comming year...more power to ya. I expected and demand MORE.
Not everyone is satisfied...
Why not compare the Busa or a ZX13.5 to a Goldwing or a Harley...

Apples to apples ya know...just like comparing Busa's to Litre bikes :banghead:

Oh for the love of....

The Busa was designed to not have competition period. It was designed to be the
undisputed land missle and kill all fleas with the sledgehammer. No other bike
was in the picture, period. :banghead:

Now I can understand how a new liter can hold pace with a Gen 1 Busa...
it's a ten year old design (although I can't understand why Suzuki let it go for
ten years without so much as a brake upgrade) like I said, I can see a new
liter giving a Gen 1 a run as it is a TEN YEAR OLD DESIGN...I can't see a new
liter giving a Gen 1.5 a run as it is a ONE YEAR OLD DESIGN. They've updated
cheaply up to the bar everyone else is at.

Weight be damed...we were not making excuses of weight and talking
sprocket changes in '99, 2000, 2001...etc. Here's a clue...the liter bikes
weighed less back then too..

Not to mention...if they wouldn't have cheaped the update...OUR BIKES SHOULD

Hey you guys want to revel in your 15hp update and worry about BOLD NEW
GRAPHICS for the comming year...more power to ya. I expected and demand MORE.
Not everyone is satisfied...

While I agree w/ most everything you said (hence my comment of "I can't argue w/ you that the Busa could benefit from some technical updates" in bold letters...guessed you missed that) your statements above have nothing to do w/ the link you posted.
Which was my initial point.

You went off on a rant about weight and sprockets, & comparing GenI & a GenII So once again, you managed to find yourself comparing the Busa to a liter bike. Your banging your head...when from what I read...I should be the one banging my own head.

And why you even threw in this statement :
"Hey you guys want to revel in your 15hp update and worry about BOLD NEW
GRAPHICS for the comming year...more power to ya. I expected and demand MORE.
Not everyone is satisfied..."

is beyond me. I don't remember mentioning anything remotely close to those topics.