SW motech top rack

How to do...


For those interested in the top-mount. I got the SW-motech GenII top rack for my GenII busa w/ a Givi E35 Monokey Case. Excellent quality and fit. I timed myself and it took all of 5 minutes to go from the case on the top rack mounted to the bike, back to stock w/seat cowl. My girlfriend gets nervous she's going to fall off my bikes and I have had more than enough times where I wished I had some way of transporting more sh*t. So I killed two birds with one stone here. I have handrails and a backrest for her, plus I can throw a gallon of oil and oil filter in the back locked up, goto dinner and then still have room to take the leftovers home. Woohoo:thumbsup:
hi,i'm Alves and i'm from Portugal and i would like to know , if you can tell , me how resistent is this sw motech for top case and 2 side cases to a hayabusa 2003.it appears to be not very resistent,weak...there are so thin the supports...
thank you
Hello Alves... Welcome to the oRg

I can't speak of the Gen I busa mounts, but I can tell you that the Gen II kit is fantastic... A little pricey but the quality and fit was spot on.
Hello Alves, i´m from Protugal too, there are many Gen 1 Busas with full rack from SW-Motech and some home made and not have any problems.