Switchback led towers!

Re: Switchback led towers!

alright, the gm sockets from the autoillumination site will work with some minor modding. i pulled the oem piece from the plastic signal housing and replaced it w/ the gm one, add a little epoxy, and about a 6" piece of wire to feed up the small hole and bend to make contact inside housing. you will see what i mean if anyone goes this route because the stocker is set up that way. the stocker tail sockets run about $51 on bikebandit and i had trouble finding any on "flea bay" so i'll stick w/ the $4 ones. :whistle:
Re: Switchback led towers!

Mind posting up a pic of what you talking about? Epoxy? Seems you had a lot more work then I did from buying my sockets from AutoZone or Advanced Auto. Feeding a wire?

All I had to do with my housing was done with a razor knife. Added some wire connectors to make disconnecting easy if ever need be.

Conduct Tite!
Part number 85830
Application GM 1984-76
Use with 1157 bulbs

Forget exact cost. $5-$7 each

Search my posts. I give better detailed info on how mine was done if anyone needs.
Re: Switchback led towers!

Motormite 3wire gm cornering light from Advanced Auto Parts or AutoZone same part number

1157plus for switchback.jpg
Re: Switchback led towers!

Motormite 3wire gm cornering light from Advanced Auto Parts or AutoZone same part number

that black wire was what i was talking about feeding a wire. i think i'm going to pick those up because it looks a little more secure than my "jerry rig". thanks for the part#.:thumbsup:
Ok, I have the stock sockets, I will get the lights from autoillumination. I have a CA taillight integrator with NO RESISTORS, so it flashes fast. What else will I need to do this mod?
I did this install last night while replace both headlight bulbs and hard wiring the rear Clear Alternatives LED with intergrated signals. It looks sweet so far but gonna replace the stock flasher to slow the blink down a bit
What wires go to what wires if you're using the Gm sockets. I don't know what colors go to what colors??

Anyone have a diagram?
If the brown and yellow come out of the socket in the middle, those are going to be your running light and turn signal!
As well as the the black should be on the side, witch will be ground.
The easist way to test them is hold the black on your negitive teminal of your battery, with your switchback bulb in the socket.
The one at a time touch either the yellow or brown to the positive terminal, at witch point you will know witch is running and witch is the turn signal.
Re: Switchback led towers!

But won't they both illuminate solid when they are held to the positive on the battery??
Only if you hold both wires at the same time, also if the directional wire is attached while the running light is on, it cancells the running light! Note the name switchbacks!!