T.R.E. question.......

If you're planning on adding an ems or pcIIIr at some point you won't need the TRE

Not true... EMS and PC will eliminate stumble a bit. TRE is more for eliminating top end restrictions then anything. If you do not plan on going over 186mph often to not worry about it.
Also having a TRE will make your idle a bit different.

Clutch in 1,000-1500rpm
Clutch out in neutral 1500-2000 rpm
:biggrin:  Our fine member  Nariccus way back told us how to make your own TRE  for just cent's switchable.......6,8K resistor hooked up to a switch....splice between to right wires..on the gear position sensor....works..i'm to wasted right now to explain the wiring hookup..it's easy with the right info.  Works on my 01 busa...but still they say without a tre gives you a better et at the drag strip..hmmmm... :blush:

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I've got an Ivan's TRE. I got it just to know that the bike was derestricted. I haved an '03. The throttle response did get snappier, and I have that warm fuzzy feeling inside. I'll be getting a PCIIIr in the near future, and new exhaust, as soon as I figure out what performs best, and keeps the rear pegs. when you don't think you have enough, just hammer it in first at the light. While the rear shimmies back and forth, and spins, you will begin to regain your respect for the beast.
I just put on a TRE on my 03 Hayabusa with a PCIII and yosh exhaust. The improvment in outstanding! Just driving around town the bike is smoother and the acceleration is much better. The bike does wheelies with the greatest of ease. The best 60 bucks I ever spent!
I just put on a TRE on my 03 Hayabusa with a PCIII and yosh exhaust.  The improvment in outstanding!  Just driving around town the bike is smoother and the acceleration is much better.  The bike does wheelies with the greatest of ease.  The best 60 bucks I ever spent!
If it worked better with the tre your tuner suxs.
Or you are a cheap bastard and never had a map made
As I understand it if you have a properly tuned PC you don't need a TRE, unless you plann on running 186+.. Is this correct???
Ivan's cheap?
? Not exactly.

At $25, mine are just a bit cheaper.