Taillight rubbing after stretching

Big D's Busa

Hey guys I have put some extensions on my bike. I weigh a little over 300 and my taillight is rubbing the tire just a little and the undertail also. I think it only rubs when I ride a passenger. The shock is stock I have never messed with it turned it up or down. I have seen where ppl have got different shocks. Is there anyway I can turn this one up and not have a problem the is isnt lowered. If not what is my next best way? Thanks
if you turn the preload up, you can gain a little clearance.

the second best way is to get it re-sprung, the best way is to get a custom built shock.
300lbs AND a passerger with it stretched , thats the problem . Not making fun or anything but you will need to preload the shock alot if you want to ride with passengers . when its stretched you lose the clearance that you had in the wheel well
PM Goldenchild, he can respring your shock for fairly cheap.
what m-ridgway said... :thumbsup: you can crank down on the pre-load but I don't think that'll be enough with a passenger.

The link pro from schnitz is to designed to chenge the ride height. This linkage is used to adjust the rear suspensions geometry. Yes, it can change the ride height a little but not alot. I wouldn't look to this for your answer.
Other just rubbing the undertail,it very unsafe,your rear tire traction is worthless right now.

what I did after stretching 6over, weighing 290lbs, was buy a used shock of ebay for $70 and sent it to traxxiondynamics ,they will custom build it to your stretch,rider weight and riding style for under $300,they also dyno test it and send you printed results, I had a 1" spacer,revalve and 1000lb spring and that thing was rock solid,couldnt have been more happy, those $1000+ race shocks dont even compare
Yeah im stretched about 6inches, lowered if even 1-1.5 inches in the rear and i weigh about 250. It doesnt rub with me on there, nor with a passenger. BUT if i hit a bump or something definately the tailight and tire are going to exchange some words. I was thinking since im in that situation can i just tighten my stock spring or do i have to buy or rig a completely new set-up just so i can ride 2up.
Yeah im stretched about 6inches, lowered if even 1-1.5 inches in the rear and i weigh about 250. It doesnt rub with me on there, nor with a passenger. BUT if i hit a bump or something definately the tailight and tire are going to exchange some words. I was thinking since im in that situation can i just tighten my stock spring or do i have to buy or rig a completely new set-up just so i can ride 2up.

thats the about the same setup i have, it rubbed when i would hit a bump, turned up the preload, it doesnt rub now, but i think it would still if i rode 2up.

goldenchild can get you setup pretty cheap with a drop in resprung unit that will fix you up, or you can buy the spring for about a hundred then get a spring compressor and DIY.

if you search here theres a writeup showing the split washer you remove to get the spring out. i wouldnt waste the money getting a stock unit re-valved. theres a couple guys out there that try it, and your not gonna gain anything revalving a stock unit other than a lighter wallet.
PM Goldenchild, he can respring your shock for fairly cheap.

Yep he did mine, And yep I rubbed as well, Rubbed all the way through my stock undertail. :banghead:

And yep I rubbed as well, Rubbed all the way through my stock undertail. :banghead:


i rubbed through the undertail and contoured the bottom of the tailight. :laugh:
thats the about the same setup i have, it rubbed when i would hit a bump, turned up the preload, it doesnt rub now, but i think it would still if i rode 2up.

goldenchild can get you setup pretty cheap with a drop in resprung unit that will fix you up, or you can buy the spring for about a hundred then get a spring compressor and DIY.

if you search here theres a writeup showing the split washer you remove to get the spring out. i wouldnt waste the money getting a stock unit re-valved. theres a couple guys out there that try it, and your not gonna gain anything revalving a stock unit other than a lighter wallet.

Thats what I done and I weigh 300lbs and the wife is 175lbs and mine doesnt get close to the tire.
thats the about the same setup i have, it rubbed when i would hit a bump, turned up the preload, it doesnt rub now, but i think it would still if i rode 2up.

goldenchild can get you setup pretty cheap with a drop in resprung unit that will fix you up, or you can buy the spring for about a hundred then get a spring compressor and DIY.

if you search here theres a writeup showing the split washer you remove to get the spring out. i wouldnt waste the money getting a stock unit re-valved. theres a couple guys out there that try it, and your not gonna gain anything revalving a stock unit other than a lighter wallet.

I meant to say it doesnt rub with a passenger on either, but if there is a bump its definately going to rub with the passenger. How much exactly does golden child charge? Is there a install guide or a write up on changing your spring out?