Tank geting scratched w/ new AGV jacket, recommend a cover please!

Bagster all day, mines had one on since brand new cause I hate how easily tanks can get scuffed up.

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+1 for the Tank Slapper! I've got their setup on my bike and I love it. It's clear so you don't even notice it'ts there, and i've had mine on all year and it's still doing great! the best part is you can take them off, clean them and reapply them as often as you like.
3M clear or Magtight magnetic protrector. You can also get a neat decal for the front of the tank.
This thread is two weeks old. I'm curious what you ended up doing.

Bagster is great option, all of us that have them (me) love 'em but it's still $300 for the combo vs. $30 for a cheapy one.

I had the Second Look cover on rear side of my tank for quite a while before getting the bagster.

I also have a a couple of the Mag-Knight magnetic tank covers in stock too. Won't scuff the tank clear coat like the second-look (least mine did). No good pics of this things other than this one.

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Got carbon fiber & black in case anyone needs one.
