I have read in past post,(I think from COCO)that there is are differences in the connections under the tank and other areas in the 1999 and 2000 models. Do any of you know if the tanks between the two models are easily interchangeable? The reason, I am considering installing black and grey body work on a 2000 BUSA.


[This message has been edited by RSTRICK (edited 17 January 2000).]
Make that:
- fuel feed,
- fuel return,
- tank overflow,
- tank breather,
- tip over sensor and
- fuel level sensor connections.
Animal will all those parts swap out?

I believe the tip over sensor is mounted on the frame and below the seat on a 99.

Would it not be easier to just make a change of hoses for the fuel line and return line?

And all of this would be even more confusing if a California model is used.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 17 January 2000).]
KA, I have no idea.
Just assumed that only the tank was different and wanted to point-out everything connected to it in the broadest sense.
Also kept in mind that it seems easiest to remove tank by loosening the 2 bolts that hold the steel cross-member and to which the TO sensor mounts instead of loosening the 1 long bolt or the 4 small bolts (wow, 3 different ways to remove tank on Busa).