tauntig harleys

Pulled up and parked on the walkway next to my favorite Mexican Eatry last night, before long about 10 HD based customs showed up and parked beneath me on the no parking pavement. My back was to them, but one of my younger riding buds kept watch and one after the other described them checking my bike out. After I finished the meal and relaxed for a while, one after the other stated positive things about that Hayabusa sitting outside. When I got up and grabbed my Joe Rocket I caught the stares. Paid up and went out front. The HD guys and gals started coming out and I began telling them how nice their customs were. They started cranking up making a hell of a noise. But they did have some nice rides, but they all knew who had the fastest bike. Some things don't need proving.
(Poppy @ Jan. 06 2007,18:18)
(300Busa @ Jan. 06 2007,19:14)
(Poppy @ Jan. 06 2007,17:31) I don't see the point in taunting anyone on bikes.
Besides, they might have another bike in their garage that might smoke your a$$....... Plenty of Harley  & Busa owners on here.
this is true, but you can tell the difference in a hard core Harley guy and a "bi-rider".
A bi-rider?  
sportbike/harley rider....goes both ways
Last summer I was relaxing along on a deserted two lane at around 60 when out of the blue a bike appeared in my mirrors, before long he was on me and then passing at around 85-90 range. An old school chopper with a legitamate old school biker on board. It was cold and windy that day.
I thought,.... let him go,... for .5 seconds,... then the right wrist adjustment.
The reason I was in this area was I wanted a couple high speed runs on this straight section that allows for 150+ for three or four minutes. I had run my fuel down and the harley was heading up the road, next gas, 80 miles. SOoo, I quickly reeled him in, passed and proceeded to set the new pace. 100. He hung, hair flying... I'm fully geared up with helmet (comfortable). We cruize another 5 miles.... Then he passes... 110 or so.
So I follow closely behind, I'm looking at my gas gage, not good. I kept wondering how long this guy was going to beat that poor old V-twin. I pass again and carry my speed up to 140 for 30seconds hoping to seperate enough to bow out. I look back and he's not as far back as I expected. I proceed at 120 for a couple minutes. He stays with me!!! I'm now wondering if I'll get home, and I'm talking high desert Idaho. The only decent thing to do was disappear,... so I throttled briefly,.... saw 160 as a corner approached, slowed, turned around out of his sight and passed him on the way back. I nodded he didn't respond.
I wonder if he damaged his motor, or if he ran out of gas, (He had a little tear dropped shaped tank. One thing I learned on that trip, always stay full at every opportunity, also, you never know what an old school biker dude might do to keep up. Maybe he was a ghost.
heh, last time i smoked a harley, when i let off because of traffic, he went by me. out of the corner of my eye i saw the stoopid fugger actually TRY TO SLAP ME!
then he proceeded to split lanes like he was a bank robber.
i expected to see the idiot splattered on the highway up around the road. unfortunately that didnt happen.
Seems like the HD guys ALWAYS have to pass me on University, and they ALWAYS have to make as much noise as possible. They just won't stay behind me. There is no way I'm going to mess with them in town. It's just to easy to end up dead or with a ticket. I've never had one mess with me on the highway - that's typically the squids on 600 sport bikes wanting the free show as mentioned above.
ask everyone bout when we rode to the little m&g at starved rock. A few jap cruisers thought they where harleys. So as they pass us the guys look while i am standing up adjusting at 70mph. he shook his head I just wish he could see my huge grin i had on my face through my helmet. He knew what he was up against 4 busa's and a doyle
Leaving a bar in Nanaimo British Columbia, in the early morning I found my CB1100f surrounded by Harleys, not just any Harleys but the local Hells Angels chapter. As the bar emptied, the president of local chapter came out, sat on his bike next to me and attempted to start the contraption. Chatting with the fellow angel next to him, the president concluded his conversation by saying;
"well I'm glad I'm not him".
He then turned to me, disparagingly looked down at my Honda, looked back up and said, smiling, while still trying to start his bike,
"and I'm glad I'm not you".
to which I replied,
"Well...I'm glad I'm not you"
"How come?" he asked, no longer smiling.
"Mine starts" I said.
At that point I made a show of pressing the start button with one finger and then promptly rode off.
What was he going to do? Start his bike and follow me?

(gunmetalbusa @ Jan. 07 2007,21:46) Last summer I was relaxing along on a deserted two lane at around 60 when out of the blue a bike appeared in my mirrors, before long he was on me and then passing at around 85-90 range.  An old school chopper with a legitamate old school biker on board.  It was cold and windy that day.
I thought,.... let him go,... for .5 seconds,... then the right wrist adjustment.
The reason I was in this area was I wanted a couple high speed runs on this straight section that allows for 150+ for three or four minutes.  I had run my fuel down and the harley was heading up the road, next gas, 80 miles.  SOoo, I quickly reeled him in, passed and proceeded to set the new pace.  100.   He hung, hair flying... I'm fully geared up with helmet (comfortable).  We cruize another 5 miles.... Then he passes...   110 or so.
So I follow closely behind,   I'm looking at my gas gage, not good.  I kept wondering how long this guy was going to beat that poor old V-twin.   I pass again and carry my speed up to 140 for 30seconds hoping to seperate enough to bow out.   I look back and he's not as far back as I expected.   I proceed at 120 for a couple minutes.  He stays with me!!!  I'm now wondering if I'll get home, and I'm talking high desert Idaho.   The only decent thing to do was disappear,... so I throttled briefly,.... saw 160 as a corner approached, slowed, turned around out of his sight and passed him on the way back.  I nodded he didn't respond.
I wonder if he damaged his motor, or if he ran out of gas, (He had a little tear dropped shaped tank.  One thing I learned on that trip, always stay full at every opportunity, also, you never know what an old school biker dude might do to keep up.  Maybe he was a ghost.
Don't worry about gas, a busa get it's best gas mileage at about 120.

(RCKTMAN @ Jan. 06 2007,17:59) Hrley are col to taunt if your gonna tunt something but PLEASE dont taunt a car.... i worked a helluva wreck where the car was not interested in playing so he bumped his azzzzz off the road
that's why you just flip 'em off and leave 'em fast. If anyones standing a great chance of getting into a accident or in trouble with the police it's them. You'll be in the next zipcode anyways.
Last october we were just west of oskaloosa ks cruising a nice 70 in a 65 when i pulled behind two jesse james wanabee's,they were side by side & the one on the left had his little 105lbs passenger on back.well they started slowing down,slowing down,& when i pulled out to pass them i was greeted with the sound of both choppers downshifting and the roar of 40hp apiece, i pulled up next to them on my 03 busa(stayed in 6th) and the guy & gal both had big ole grins on there faces.i give them a thumbs up then proceeded with pulling my bird to 170 on the speedo,it was awsome,because the busa pulled away with authority.it was like a f-15 eagle messing around with a couple sopwith camels. And by the way that is not a throttle on a hardly it a volume control
(kml @ Jan. 08 2007,19:23) Leaving a bar in Nanaimo British Columbia, in the early morning I found my CB1100f surrounded by Harleys, not just any Harleys but the local Hells Angels chapter. As the bar emptied, the president of local chapter came out, sat on his bike next to me and attempted to start the contraption. Chatting with the fellow angel next to him, the president concluded his conversation by saying;
"well I'm glad I'm not him".
He then turned to me, disparagingly  looked down at my Honda, looked back up and said, smiling, while still trying to start his bike,
"and I'm glad I'm not you".
to which I replied,
"Well...I'm glad I'm not you"
"How come?" he asked, no longer smiling.
"Mine starts" I said.
At that point I made a show of pressing the start button with one finger and then promptly rode off.
What was he going to do? Start his bike and follow me?

I had a guy at rolling thunder last year try messing with me. I didn't realize it till I heard this LOUD Harley, then I glance back and see this guy giving it his all to keep up... I then opened the throttle past half (sad truth for the harley) and pulled a slight wheelie and LEFT him...
(300Busa @ Jan. 06 2007,16:14)
(Poppy @ Jan. 06 2007,17:31) I don't see the point in taunting anyone on bikes.
Besides, they might have another bike in their garage that might smoke your a$$....... Plenty of Harley & Busa owners on here.
this is true, but you can tell the difference in a hard core Harley guy and a "bi-rider".
OMG! Bi-Rider? I don't think I will add that to my signature line. Over my 39 years of riding I have met all kinds of riders from 1%'ers to squids, some were OK people and some were just plain A-holes. I personally don't try and screw with anyone on the road but it is aggravating to find people who cop an attitude because of the bike they ride. When I am out on one of my Harley's I find sport bike riders who sneer, when I am out on my 'Busa I find Harley riders who sneer. I just blow them off, fug'em I am out to enjoy myself, my machine and the open road. Five hundred years ago Leonardo da Vinci remarked, "Se tu sarai solo, tu sarai tutto tuo" (If you are alone, you are your own man). If you feel you have to prove something to someone you're missing the point.
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(JB Busa @ Jan. 10 2007,04:51) Rode my busa to work today with a harley jacket on.
I think Va used to ride her Busa with a HD jacket.
I never get sneered at usually. It's the stupid comments that get me.