Tea-Party Progress

Nooooooooooooo, The RNC voted for Mccain and every republican promoted Mccain. You guys give the liberal media way too much credit.:poke:

In NC it's always decided before the primaries start here. It's sucks we have no say so.

The liberal media is pretty powerful...lol

I think the republican party has to redefine themselves, and boot all the ones that arent conservative. I might even pull a straight ticket then. :poke:
The biggest thing that needs to change is putting term limits on congress. The president can only serve 2 terms, and we all know he really doesnt have that much power, why can they stay forever?? Ya, I know, they can be voted out, but it doesnt happen often. 2 terms, opposite the president, and they're out. No lifetime benefits etc, then see how things are run. I'd bet you get more people in there that are interested in helping the country, not their retirement account.
And yada, yada, yada...
If the majority of a new movement's participants are coming from the one-side of a two-sided battle, it's not going to end well for 2 of 3. :please:

I saw this somewhere else...I think it's pretty accurate.

The Tea Party movement boils down to to one thing and one thing only. It's call PTBPD....

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), five (or more) of the following criteria must be present to indicate PTBPD (Post Traumatic Black President Disorder):

1. Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects

2. A pattern of unstable and intense irrationality and magical thinking related to paranoia that the government is socialist and out to get you

3. Tendency to wear Paul Revere clothing to include silly hat, buckled shoes, knickers, white knee socks, and garters; when not wearing Paul Revere attire, a tendency to wear gaudy and classless red, white, and blue clothing embroidered with eagles

4. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self with a penchant towards hysteria over nothing

5. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).

6. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger and outbursts of screaming "Ah waan Mah Cuntry Baack"

7. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms with tendencies to believe in conspiracy theories or question the authenticity of a certain President?s birth certificate

8. Must be argumentative providing exhaustive amounts of information all of which can be rendered pointless with less than 30 seconds of research on Google....?

:rofl: man some people lost thier minds when he was voted in, reminded me of the Dave Chapelle show episode when the Klan found out Clayton Bigsby was black :rofl: Makes no sense the President is just as much White as he is Black some just need to get over it (not speaking of the entire tea party).
And yada, yada, yada...
If the majority of a new movement's participants are coming from the one-side of a two-sided battle, it's not going to end well for 2 of 3. :please:

I saw this somewhere else...I think it's pretty accurate.

The Tea Party movement boils down to to one thing and one thing only. It's call PTBPD....

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), five (or more) of the following criteria must be present to indicate PTBPD (Post Traumatic Black President Disorder):

1. Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects

2. A pattern of unstable and intense irrationality and magical thinking related to paranoia that the government is socialist and out to get you

3. Tendency to wear Paul Revere clothing to include silly hat, buckled shoes, knickers, white knee socks, and garters; when not wearing Paul Revere attire, a tendency to wear gaudy and classless red, white, and blue clothing embroidered with eagles

4. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self with a penchant towards hysteria over nothing

5. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).

6. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger and outbursts of screaming "Ah waan Mah Cuntry Baack"

7. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms with tendencies to believe in conspiracy theories or question the authenticity of a certain President?s birth certificate

8. Must be argumentative providing exhaustive amounts of information all of which can be rendered pointless with less than 30 seconds of research on Google....?

That's a minute of my life I can't get back. :puke: Go Tea Party! :cheerleader:
The bottom line is we the American People need to hold "ALL" Politian's accountable for their behavior and their voting record. There are too many passes given to these politian's and way too much manipulation of the truth in the main stream media. The American people are tired of all of the lies from both parties. The Tea-Party was founded to expose the lies and educate the voters. We here at the Tea-Party are well aware of the possibilities of splitting the ticket and are taking procedures to address that possibility without compromising our conservative requirements. With that being said we are not going to indorse republicans just because they are republicans. We are endorsing their "conservative" voting records and if they will support our U.S. Constitution. This November you will see true conservatives from both parties getting elected (from the people and for the people). If the politian's don't do what they promise then they will be removed and blacklisted. It's time for accountability and I think most would agree. It's easy to get cynical nowdays but we're not going to just roll over anymore, it's time to take action and we are doing just that!.......det45
first they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, and then you win.

Time for we the people to take this country back from incestuous oligarchs and beholden "representatives"!
And yada, yada, yada...
If the majority of a new movement's participants are coming from the one-side of a two-sided battle, it's not going to end well for 2 of 3. :please:

I saw this somewhere else...I think it's pretty accurate.

The Tea Party movement boils down to to one thing and one thing only. It's call PTBPD....

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV), five (or more) of the following criteria must be present to indicate PTBPD (Post Traumatic Black President Disorder):

1. Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects

2. A pattern of unstable and intense irrationality and magical thinking related to paranoia that the government is socialist and out to get you

3. Tendency to wear Paul Revere clothing to include silly hat, buckled shoes, knickers, white knee socks, and garters; when not wearing Paul Revere attire, a tendency to wear gaudy and classless red, white, and blue clothing embroidered with eagles

4. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self with a penchant towards hysteria over nothing

5. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days).

6. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger and outbursts of screaming "Ah waan Mah Cuntry Baack"

7. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms with tendencies to believe in conspiracy theories or question the authenticity of a certain President?s birth certificate

8. Must be argumentative providing exhaustive amounts of information all of which can be rendered pointless with less than 30 seconds of research on Google....?

Sounds pretty ignorant to me.

Have you been to any Tea Parties? I have. Tea stands for Taxed Enough Already.

The folks I see at the Tea Parties, are sick of too much Government, period. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi tried to cram Socialized Medicine down the throats of a public that didnt want it.

Thank God I live in a state that is fighting the enactment of this Socialized Medicine.

No Socialism for me please, I love the constitution, and have a copy on my desktop. Socialism is the European crap this country was designed to do without.

I believe I have actually become thankful for Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. They pushed things far enough that even the easily duped, ACLU loving, liberal college kiddies can see through. I didnt particularly like Bush, but I even miss Jimmy Carter, since this Socialist Clown has been in office :rofl:

November will not be the end, it will only be the "first wave" of many changes to come.
Sounds pretty ignorant to me.

Have you been to any Tea Parties? I have. Tea stands for Taxed Enough Already.

The folks I see at the Tea Parties, are sick of too much Government, period. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi tried to cram Socialized Medicine down the throats of a public that didnt want it.

Thank God I live in a state that is fighting the enactment of this Socialized Medicine.

No Socialism for me please, I love the constitution, and have a copy on my desktop. Socialism is the European crap this country was designed to do without.

I believe I have actually become thankful for Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. They pushed things far enough that even the easily duped, ACLU loving, liberal college kiddies can see through. I didnt particularly like Bush, but I even miss Jimmy Carter, since this Socialist Clown has been in office :rofl:

November will not be the end, it will only be the "first wave" of many changes to come.

Yeah...I'm the ignorant one. :whistle:

No, I have not ever attended anything Tea Party related, nor do I have plans to ever do so. The concept seems on point, but I think there are few more bad apples than det45's acknowledging. I'm privileged to all their lovely wares here in good 'ol Iowa, so I don't need to rely on the mainstream media for my information.
Truly, if there's anyone that understands your frustration, I do! But how seriously can you take a group of people who can sit back and watch for 8 years and not say a d@mn thing (in fact actually support it & label others unpatriotric when they do stand up) while our country was being drained & gutted? Where was all of your outrage then? I've already been fighting this battle against $#!tty gov't, so it's nothing new to me.

Just for the record, they're all full of $#!t IMO. I love the constitution as well. I learned it in back in grade school, so there's really no need for me to stash copies of it all over to show my patriotism. (A perfect example of one of the afore mentioned traits)

Let's not get started on things that recent President's have pushed down people throat. You are correct, there is a large minority that are extremely opposed to it. They happen to be a lot louder and more obnoxious than the rest of the general public, which is how they garner so much attention. Healthcare was one of the primary aspects of his campaign which he was elected on. If there is disappointment from his supporters with the healthcare bill, it's because he negotiated with the Repubs too much rather than putting it through the way he proposed it.

When November comes, we'll all be getting exactly what we have been getting.
There are those who have faith and take action and there are those who complain and take no action. You all know where I stand and will see what happens this November. I would be glad to debate this topic with anyone after the elections. Most importantly be sure to vote no matter what side you are on....det45 :thumbsup:
One for Det:

Poster-child for what is wrong

Troops: Another idiot from the other side of the aisle. Where do people like this come from? Absolutely unbelievable.

Poster-child for what is wrong

You will simply not believe this. Our 8th District US Congressional representative,

the Hon. Gabrielle Giffords, in a meeting of the House Armed Services Committee,

asked General David Petraeus the following question:

"General Petraeus, what are you doing to reduce carbon emissions in the war on terror?"
Wow. I had to read, and re-read this several times to believe it. Folks, there are American

sons and daughters dying every week on the foreign battlefields of southwest Asia . The na-

tion is completely bankrupt and ... quite literally, borrowing 43 cents for every dollar in fed-

eral spending. We have the largest environmental disaster in the nation's history in the

Gulf of Mexico, and we have Mexican drug armies invading our nation. And yet ....

A member of Congress from Arizona 's 8th congressional district took

the time to ask our battlefield commander what he is doing to curb

carbon emissions in the war.

Gabrielle Giffords is the poster-child for what is wrong with the US Congress. We are

being led by imbeciles. To the rest of America reading this blog, and to Gen. Petraeus

if this e-mail makes it to your inbox ... my sincerest apologies for the stupid question

asked of you by my US congressional representative. General ... I am sure you have

better things to worry about than carbon emissions on the battlefield. I assure you, as

a registered voter in Arizona 's 8th congressional district, I will do everything I can to

ensure Rep. Giffords is voted out of office in November, and I pray you'll get back to

business of fighting the war on terror without worrying about such petty and nonsensi-

cal matters as your carbon footprint in the war.

Mark Beres, Maj. USAF (ret.)

Tucson, Arizona
We need to get rid of all of the liberals:firing: maybe even a shoot a liberal day they are the ones killing our country they have destroyed the democatic party and will eventually destroy the republican party if not done already.

One for Det:

Poster-child for what is wrong

Troops: Another idiot from the other side of the aisle. Where do people like this come from? Absolutely unbelievable.

Poster-child for what is wrong

You will simply not believe this. Our 8th District US Congressional representative,

the Hon. Gabrielle Giffords, in a meeting of the House Armed Services Committee,

asked General David Petraeus the following question:

"General Petraeus, what are you doing to reduce carbon emissions in the war on terror?"
Wow. I had to read, and re-read this several times to believe it. Folks, there are American

sons and daughters dying every week on the foreign battlefields of southwest Asia . The na-

tion is completely bankrupt and ... quite literally, borrowing 43 cents for every dollar in fed-

eral spending. We have the largest environmental disaster in the nation's history in the

Gulf of Mexico, and we have Mexican drug armies invading our nation. And yet ....

A member of Congress from Arizona 's 8th congressional district took

the time to ask our battlefield commander what he is doing to curb

carbon emissions in the war.

Gabrielle Giffords is the poster-child for what is wrong with the US Congress. We are

being led by imbeciles. To the rest of America reading this blog, and to Gen. Petraeus

if this e-mail makes it to your inbox ... my sincerest apologies for the stupid question

asked of you by my US congressional representative. General ... I am sure you have

better things to worry about than carbon emissions on the battlefield. I assure you, as

a registered voter in Arizona 's 8th congressional district, I will do everything I can to

ensure Rep. Giffords is voted out of office in November, and I pray you'll get back to

business of fighting the war on terror without worrying about such petty and nonsensi-

cal matters as your carbon footprint in the war.

Mark Beres, Maj. USAF (ret.)

Tucson, Arizona
You know I've been through all of the emotions of what this current administration and congress are doing to our great country (seems like the twilight zone). I just couldn't stand by and watch this country go down in flames. I served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force to protect our great country and I intend to continue to do so as an American citizen. If we here at the Tea-Party are successful in getting a majority of conservatives elected then that's great. If we don't achieve our goals then we will try again. I as a "Constitutional Conservative" will not stand by and watch this country go down. I have no allegiance to any party or organization who do not support our U.S. Constitution and If I have something to say about it then I will speak up as a true patriot should do......det45