Teacher punches student...

A swift strike to the head with purpose or a spanking with a paddle, which do you think is more effective as a disciplinary deterrent???
Swift strike man that was a damn combo even roy jones would be proud to throw. Maybe not roy jones but it was more of an anger beating than disicpline beating.
Hey smilepr4u is that your pic in the avitar
I'm just gonna stay out of the debat on this one

IMHO: The girl's body language seemed to show a submissive posture prior to the physical contact, therefore I feel it was unwaranted. If the student was being aggressive and had a combative posture, then I might be able to see self defense, but I didn't see anything near that.

If it was my daughter, they would still be searching for him. I'd torture him first, then he and I would take a trip out to the lake. Only problem is...I would be the only one with dive gear on. I'm sure his body would float or be discovered someday, and then I'd got quietly to jail.
I'm just gonna stay out of the debat on this one

IMHO:  The girl's body language seemed to show a submissive posture prior to the physical contact, therefore I feel it was unwaranted.  If the student was being aggressive and had a combative posture, then I might be able to see self defense, but I didn't see anything near that.

If it was my daughter, they would still be searching for him.  I'd torture him first, then he and I would take a trip out to the lake.  Only problem is...I would be the only one with dive gear on.  I'm sure his body would float or be discovered someday, and then I'd got quietly to jail.
someone's paying attention.

good points.
here's my point of view....the common sense approach..

  sometimes its welcome aroun' here....  sometimes not.

 #1.  when is it ok for an' adult male to strike a female in that manner.... NEVER.
     sure, if yer a cop ,security guard,mental health professional....sometimes females have to be restrained.
  Do they require repeated strikes to the head an' face....
        NEVER.     a real man does not hit women.

    For what purpose does he hit her. To prove his greater physical strenth .Is this type of behavior going to quell violence.    

   The girl probably did something wrong.  OK, I'll agree.    Was she voilent....ahh  no.

   Her classmates looked ready to move in.  I liked that.

  What did this lesson do for the class....

      it TAUGHT VIOLENCE.   It encouraged it.  

   It said its ok for men to BEAT UP on young girls.

   Hope my little girl never attends a school where you're the teacher....
                 or in this case....the beater.

    hav a bruiseless 1...RSD.

Reason for Edit: "spelling error....yer not gonna hit me r ya"|1110857822 -->
I got the cane when I was at school (back in nineteen hundred and frozen-to-death)

It hurt but it wore off with no side-affects.

Being hit in the head can cause a concussion/bruising of the brain.

This "teacher" needs to be taught a lesson....
we need disipline in our schools , theres no doubt about that ! But that looked bad. I'd be pissed off and hunting!
I really don't see where this incident is so cruel...We expect to send our kids to school and not ever face any sort of discipline and in most cases we're not sending the cream of the crop...Depending on what the issue was she probably needed to have her butt kicked by her parents also...

Our culture looks down on damn near any form of discipline...We want to qive queit time, time out or place the kids in the corner...And the result has been beligerance, disrepect and hostile attititudes...Spare the rod, spoil the child...

And it doesn't stop with the kids it continues with adults...When is the last time a person that commited a serious crime was dealt a sentence that fit the crime???It's just never ending...

Most will disagree and my position is some what biased because I generally see/deal with the worst that our society has to offer...

If you allow the kids to break the rules their only going to continue to break the laws...
I agree that MORE discipline is needed in the schools, and more especially in HOMES, bro. I'm all about consequences. You fug up, you feel the repercussions. But a grown man hittin' a shool girl in the face, or anywhere else for that matter, with a fist is just plain WRONG.

I'd have no problem with a teacher wearin' out a child of mine with a paddle if they were in the wrong. In fact I'd demand it. Anyone I left the child with would be expected to punish them if they done somethin' wrong. Even so, the first muthafugger that punched one of them with a fist would have HELL to pay.

I see your point, but this is way over the line of acceptable means of discipline for me...
If that was my Daughter.... there'd be one less teacher in this world. Stkr00 they'd never find the body if ya feed it to the Pigs....
I really don't see where this incident is so cruel...We expect to send our kids to school and not ever face any sort of discipline and in most cases we're not sending the cream of the crop...Depending on what the issue was she probably needed to have her butt kicked by her parents also...

Our culture looks down on damn near any form of discipline...We want to qive queit time, time out or place the kids in the corner...And the result has been beligerance, disrepect and hostile attititudes...Spare the rod, spoil the child...

And it doesn't stop with the kids it continues with adults...When is the last time a person that commited a serious crime was dealt a sentence that fit the crime???It's just never ending...

Most will disagree and my position is some what biased because I generally see/deal with the worst that our society has to offer...

If you allow the kids to break the rules their only going to continue to break the laws...
I agree that MORE discipline is needed in the schools, and more especially in HOMES, bro. I'm all about consequences. You fug up, you feel the repercussions. But a grown man hittin' a shool girl in the face, or anywhere else for that matter, with a fist is just plain WRONG.

I'd have no problem with a teacher wearin' out a child of mine with a paddle if they were in the wrong. In fact I'd demand it. Anyone I left the child with would be expected to punish them if they done somethin' wrong. Even so, the first muthafugger that punched one of them with a fist would have HELL to pay.
<span style='color:red'>I see your point, but this is way over the line of acceptable means of discipline for me...
All I'm really saying is that we base our response on what we are accustomed to and that doesn't always make us right...
I really don't see where this incident is so cruel...We expect to send our kids to school and not ever face any sort of discipline and in most cases we're not sending the cream of the crop...Depending on what the issue was she probably needed to have her butt kicked by her parents also...

Our culture looks down on damn near any form of discipline...We want to qive queit time, time out or place the kids in the corner...And the result has been beligerance, disrepect and hostile attititudes...Spare the rod, spoil the child...

And it doesn't stop with the kids it continues with adults...When is the last time a person that commited a serious crime was dealt a sentence that fit the crime???It's just never ending...

Most will disagree and my position is some what biased because I generally see/deal with the worst that our society has to offer...

If you allow the kids to break the rules their only going to continue to break the laws...
I agree I was brought up in a way that was respect and most kids now or even when i was i school they needed to be beat by someone. I am sorry to say this but alot of kids i see now days need to get there ass kaned!
I'm just gonna stay out of the debat on this one

IMHO:  The girl's body language seemed to show a submissive posture prior to the physical contact, therefore I feel it was unwaranted.  If the student was being aggressive and had a combative posture, then I might be able to see self defense, but I didn't see anything near that.

If it was my daughter, they would still be searching for him.  I'd torture him first, then he and I would take a trip out to the lake.  Only problem is...I would be the only one with dive gear on.  I'm sure his body would float or be discovered someday, and then I'd got quietly to jail.
someone's paying attention.

 good points.
ya but like all vids we never get the whole thing mabe(not tring to justify what he did) something happend before but nowing the culture it was probley something she did to disrespect him.
I have a 14 year old SON and believe me, if a teacher of his pulled that stunt there would be one less teacher in the LAUSD system. He's been in private school since kindergarten and the teachers and administration had my and the ex's permission to tap that behind if it's necessary and then let us know so we can tear it up when he gets home. I believe in spanking.... hell, "peachtree switch whuppins" when needed.


I didn't see her raise a hand. I didn't hear her provoke him. She didn't incite others to jump on him. There was nothing there that warranted that behaviour. I don't care what kind of culture you're living in some things are just wrong. That teacher has problems that won't end until a student is dead.
Alot of good points brought up on both sides. While I agree with Stunnah that we need more disipline in our school and for our children I feel it is the parents responsibility to be the one to do it. To often we dump our unruley children in school for 8 hours a day and let them deal with them. Although I would never punch a child in the head for anything. Not my own and especially not some one elses child. Our teachers are stuck with our children and no tools to discipline them at all which is unfortunate because it really does nothing to prepare them for the real world and real consiquenses for there actions. When a child turns 18 and is wrong, they face the actions of police or others and I guarantee they will not like time out in jail. I believe in consequences for your actions. If you do this you will get grounded if you steal you will get a butt woopin the punishment has to fit the crime. I dont know what happened in this video before the teacher went off but I can tell you in the real world in the US if he punched my kid in the head I will make sure you understand my consequences for your actions when I go to his house.