Texas decides to rewrite US History

I always thought that school was where kids went to learn about all sorts of things, and were taught to sift through all that they studied and make informed decisions. No wonder our public school system is a joke.
While social conservatism has an important place in our society, we do our children a disservice by pretending that is the only school of thought. Creationism should be taught alongside the theory of human evolution, all religions should be discussed, our nation's history should be taught as it was, even the ugly parts (especially the ugly parts, that way future generations might not have to repeat them...), capitalism and communism should be taught, heroes and villains should be called what they are. Sad to see a few individuals being so narrow minded as to want to exclude knowledge from our youth.
Academia is liberally skewed in its upper echelons (college and onward) no doubt, but K-12 should be the time where all points of view are discussed, without bias, so that kids grow up knowing there are others that think differently in the world. Makes for better adults.


Couldn't agree more, teach it all...teach the truth and let them decide.
I believe it would be Walker, Tejas Ranger....

this is what happens when we allow religious ideals into schools.....just think in 50 years nobody will know the name Thomas Jefferson, because he did not pray to the right god.

good job, christianity :thumbsup:
They're doing it because of his religious beliefs...they point out that he was a deist. Why else would they do that?

The current members of the TX Board of Education should all be fired and get a new one. It's run by extreme religious conservative racists, however, I don't want people from the other extreme running things either. I don't support home schooling as a rule, but I have to say that I'm glad our youngest is a sophomore this year so he'll be out of the school system here by the time most of this gets into the system.

Unfortunately, it seems that most voters are on the extreme edges of the political spectrum here in Texas. Many of those with more rational ideas don't make it to the polls as often...which is sad. How nice would it be if people with rational thought processes were in charge?
While I also disagree with some of the changes it's not just a "conservative" issue. Don't think for a minute those on the other side of the isle haven't been pushing their agenda as well. This is one of the reasons why schools are ALREADY screwed up. Our kids educational materials are based on whoever screams the loudest or has the most power/representation.

I agree with Jeremy, ALL aspects should be taught not just one view.