I'll make it to Texas one of these days. Heck, I'd like to go just to meet the Cheese and see his shop.
I'm only 135# so I won't talk any smack, I'll just let the Busa do the talkin for me. And yes, Carpenter Busas can back it up.
JC, I'm just curious, but have you ever met Bob Carpenter? Real nice fella, as are you I am sure. I would love to have the money to buy 2 more Busas. I would send one to you Johnny, one to the Motorhead and see how they stacked up against Carpenter power. Not because anyone is better, but to see the different approaches and what would make the most power under the same stipulations of build rules.
I am an automotive engineer by trade and I like seeing the different approaches companies take when building a machine to accomplish a particular goal under a certain set of rules. I guess what I am trying to say is I really dig this $hit.
382, don't even waste your time. You are way to much of a nice guy to even bother with this clown. I'm sure JC builds a strong motor. It's just unfortunate that his mouth puts out more than his motors do and alot less than a pen or a keyboard in his hands.
It's also unfortunate that he feels that people that farm out engine work are inferior to him, because he builds them. I don't think he understands that's what he earns his living from.
He also does not realize that if you're not on a <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Carpenter bike you're behind one.</span></span>
I bet he thinks he's the best there is. Sad. Very sad.