i understand open container laws. i don't want to go to a get a pack of smokes at the 7-11 and be hassled by a bunch of drunk trash.
open container laws just back up public drunkenness laws.
this sport bike law in Texas is totally different in my eyes (because i don't get the open container argument/statement).
this is one of the first to single out and classify a type of motorcycle as not only being different, but more dangerous. this is very dangerous territory for those of us that enjoy high HP fast as funk motorbikes or even any class of "sport machine" out there.
once they ban us, the lambo (or insert fast car here) is next.
1st it will be....ok you can have it, but it's for "off road use"
like your mufflers. then in the end they will chip chip chip away until were all driving the same vagina on wheels, don't forgit the airbags, big honkin airbags.
well rant off (for now)
im gonna go take a nap.
and as i leave you for the day i remind you of what Bob Marley said "Get up, Stand up. Stand up for your Rights!" :1zhelp: