Thanks Cappy good stuff.
Narcis, I found this site a while back when I got tagged, not sure if it will help. Also I know they have traffic school available in some states ( not here ) that keep the tag off your record and no insurance increase.
Here in Hawaii one of your options rather than go to court, wasting everyones time, you can write a brief letter to the Judge explaining your position and he can rule via the mail.
Finally Kerbie had a buch of stuff on beating the law also might check with him...
Narcis, I found this site a while back when I got tagged, not sure if it will help. Also I know they have traffic school available in some states ( not here ) that keep the tag off your record and no insurance increase.
Here in Hawaii one of your options rather than go to court, wasting everyones time, you can write a brief letter to the Judge explaining your position and he can rule via the mail.
Finally Kerbie had a buch of stuff on beating the law also might check with him...