Hey BigBS, went to bed a little nervouse last night, so I called Sylvio this morning, talked with him for about 15 minutes. Here's the deal, he is no longr painting then, he is now ordering them painted direct from extreme graphics which must be out of canada. He told me that the us dollar to the canadian dollar had increased his cost 17%. He said previously he was ordering like 3 silver tails, 3 orange tails, 3 black tails or so per oreder, then when orders came in he would ship if he had the color, or would paint the black if he didn't. He said what he found was he kept having to repaint tails he had in stock to meet customer demand. His painter charges $30 per tail, extreme charge $20, plus he had to pay for shipping to himself, then charge shipping back out to customer. So he said if her ordered from extreme, 7-10 days delivery to him, then took to painters, possibly one week there, then he had to pick up and repackage and ship, he admitted his delivery times where extending out as foar as a month. So now he is just placing the order direct with extreme, extreme is handling the painting and shipping direct, and any manufacturing problems are then handle directly with extreme. So he told me everything was fine, this was far easier and more profitable for him and quicker delivery to the customer. He said on some repaint tails, his profit was only $10.00.
So, I'll keep you all posted, let you know when I recieve them and the paint match/quality. Maybe this is an improvement for Sylvio.