I agree that it should be seen by all, but unfortunately at that age the mentality that it's not going to happen to them is always going to be there. It's a psychological thing. But maybe. . . Just maybe it would help some of the adults. I heard on the radio a couple weeks ago about a roll back driver who was talking on one phone and texting on another. He hit another car, drove through a fence, sideswiped a house and ended up in their pool. We can talk all we want about how wrong it is and how it shouldn't happen and we should have laws for this kind of thing (and some states do). But the sad reality is that regardless of whether or not there are laws against it people will still do it. Do DUI laws keep people from driving drunk? Do speed limits keep people from speeding? Do drinking laws keep underagers from consuming alcohol? Unfortunately the answer to all of them is no. It sucks that it happens, but it does.