Thank you President Obama, I love my New Carbine!

Kill the hell outta Fruit, Zombies, and Paper targets at the range. You mean the zombies are real? I guess I had better start my gun collection. 600 yds will be just fine. I don't want them getting any closer than they have to. :laugh:

You want one? I have three, they all look the same so there is some redundancy built into the system. He HE he... No, we have a stray here as well that looks just like her and I freak out thinking she got out of the house. Which she has a couple of times. The only way I know it is truly Phoebe is if she hisses and growls at Dennis. :laugh:
Kill the hell outta Fruit, Zombies, and Paper targets at the range. You mean the zombies are real? I guess I had better start my gun collection. 600 yds will be just fine. I don't want them getting any closer than they have to. :laugh:

You want one? I have three, they all look the same so there is some redundancy built into the system. He HE he... No, we have a stray here as well that looks just like her and I freak out thinking she got out of the house. Which she has a couple of times. The only way I know it is truly Phoebe is if she hisses and growls at Dennis. :laugh:

:thumbsup: Good point with them zombies... The key though is if they are the FAST kind, or the Slow Kind...
You always hope for the slow kind, but the Fast ones offer much more sport. :whistle: And with the fast ones you do want to be able to start engaging at about 600yds or so. That's when one of these come in handy.

The M134D doesn't so much go Bang, as ROAR... Nothing like a Phalanx in 20mm, but more it's little brother... :thumbsup: Zombies slow or fast stand no chance. :laugh:

Finally a gun I could actually hit everything with!!! :laugh: :bowdown:

Fixt, :laugh:

Although it's a 7.62 NATO weapon system and at 3000 or so rounds per minute, or roughly 50 per second you'd be looking at about $50 per second of entertainment, plus the $50,000 initial layout. SO.... Baseball bat and harsh language might win the day.
There are a few spots on that great gun that weren't shown in pics... please remedy that pronto!kidding
Great toy.... and I'm looking at a homely Glock 21... I feel so inedequate:sigh:
That's when one of these come in handy.

The M134D doesn't so much go Bang, as ROAR... Nothing like a Phalanx in 20mm, but more it's little brother... :thumbsup: Zombies slow or fast stand no chance. :laugh:

That certainly is not in your arsenal!
Well, I've got to give thanks to our New President. Without his help and his motivational presence I wouldn't have my new Carbine in my grimy little paws. :laugh:

I've avoided the "panic" that has afflicted many of the Firearms enthusiasts out there, but I did want to go ahead and pick up a couple of weapons that are very likely to be high on the list of things made "taboo" should any Anti Gun Douche-baggery come down the pike.

So my FN FS2000 arrived last week and I couldn't be happier. Shoots like a dream, accurate, unique, and fun.

Just a hoot.

SO without Further ado, her she is.

Nice weapon but that doesn't mean Mr. Obama will let you keep it....
Nice weapon but that doesn't mean Mr. Obama will let you keep it....

Actually I think it might... I do not think that the Tards, even when motivated and angry will attempt a grab. I'm pretty sure they recognize that while their token law here or there might just ruffle a few feathers, that Americans take the right to Arm bears very seriously and it would result in a civil war.

Most likely.

SO getting them more difficult, but taking away... Probably not.
I was going to buy me a new gun, but that tard bush wouldn't let me get a job to pay for one. Oh well, I guess I could just move to china and get a job. Although it would probebly take me a few years to purchase one making $.05 an hour. GoooO!!! republicans!!!
Ah the very weapon that had me beating my head on the desk trying to make a decision. Here's how I resolved it though...

1st I had to come to grips with my long range intentions, the likely hood of needing rapid follow up 600yrd shots, the need for a full size rifle caliber, and my desire to own one of the greats.

Well, I am not planning on engaging Zombies much beyond 250-300yards, much more likely will be the 100-200 yard shots. Rapid follow ups even more unlikely. To satisfy my need for a .308 I bought a good FN/FAL, and I'll just have to get over not having an M14 right now. But it's still one of my favorite weapons.

I wanted a Scout Squad so bad.... We'll see, I have a habit of getting what I want eventually, one way or another, so there will likely be a Scout Squad or SOCOM in my safe at some point.

I wanted something that I could shoot long distance and after talking to guys at worked this is what came about. I started out with wanting a M1 Garand and then after talking about it, looking at pictures and every thing else I deceided on the M1A but now that I have one on order I can't get over the M1. I am going to get one as soon as I can more for the collectability of it then anything else but I will take it to the range as well. :beerchug: Now I just wish they would call me and say it came in.