Thanks to all y'all! Especially the men and women who are laying their lives on the line every day.

My husband was a Seabee as his father was before him. My uncle saw Vietnam and refuses to talk about to this day. I pray for all of you every night.  

One of my favorite sayings.. "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If it is in English, thank a soldier"
Thank you to all my fellow vets! Jules,I was a U.S. Navy sea Bee too! MCB 62 based right there in Gulfport. Deployed to Viet Nam 1968-1970, Dongha and Denang.
I may have been over there with your uncle. I want to say a special thank you to my son Chris (GSXtacy) U.S. Army, who served in Kuwait and Semolia, and to my father, who who will turn 90 next month, for his bravery and service with the U.S. Army during the D Day invasion of world war II. To those of you serving now, both at home and abroad, thank you for your service, and I pray for your safety.
Thank you for keeping me & my family safe.
You're welcome, and thank you, too.

I am proud of my service and glad to have contributed to the greatness of this country.
You're welcome and thanks to the vets all over the world who keep us free.

Fly the flag proudly
Thank you to all the veterans, my heart and prayers are with you, our flag is flying high!