The 200+ Club


Not to get anyone in trouble, so tread lightly with your descriptions.

But as I was watching the Rossi video I made a post in there that sport bike (including sport touring bikes) technology has advanced so much that the top end of these things is far beyond the capabilities of the average person. Most of the people who ride an R1/GsXr/ZX-10 can not ride the bike to it's max capabilities, top speeds or corners. And that thought trailed over to the Busa.

I am doing my first mods this season and it's a revamp of the basics (see my "Mods/Recs" post in the General section). But now that I snagged this TRE, I will have a bike that will reasonably do the 200+ speeds that it claims and is the big selling point. Yet I am also reasonably confident that I will never see the 200+ marker on a street. It's going to have to hit up a track to see it. So I now have a bike that has simply outstripped my abilities, and i have a feeling has exceeded many of yours as well.

It's not geared as an insult, I am not saying you are not good riders, but the bike is sold as a speed demon, and these speeds are seriously well above legal, normal, and (IMO) life threatening.

So seriously. My Q for the day. What is your top speed?

Mine is 158 on a stocker so I don't know my true speed, but I say 160ish when I tell people. My helmet was rattling and I had another 15 miles of clear space to go faster, but I couldn't do it....
I have pegged Bessie once and I don't need to do it again - but here are two things to consider:
Speedo is off a good bit, I don't know of an exact figure but between radar guns and people who have installed speedo healers, Speedo is off between 7 and 13%, maybe more (so when I pegged Bessie, I figure actual speed was between 165 and 175, somewhere in there). Also, I have never heard of a stock busa actually busting 200 on the street. I would be interested to know if people are out there pulling it off. But, I don't see how you could without motorwork or at least a PC/exhaust system and gearing change...
I think my biggest concern is the open ended fear factor of it. I was legitimately worried at the speeds I was at.

So my question for the mass in addition to the one above would be. Is there a point where it is too much? My comfort limit seems to be in the 125 range. But 175+ is just deadly, and I don't have the time and experience up there to confidently feel at any given point that I would handle the situations that arise properly.
around a buck sixty eight true. speedo healer/gps, now speedvu also
should be able to pull the big 2.0.0. now with a little nitro help
around here we have a large oval, easily capable of this.
179 Clocked by timing and laser at Texas Motor Speedway  

No big deal at a competent race track, but I wouldn't want to do it on any street or hwy
130 on stock speedo, of course for legal purposes this was only "daydreaming" and not in real life.

i always obey the speed limit

dont ever ride the bike more than you are comfortable with. never ever do that.
for me my reasoning is like this. at 125 your just as dead as 201
also, i let jesus take the wheel for me. so what will be will be with me.

honest if your not lookin at the instruments and do a top speed run, you will know when your toped out by the sound, you can not tell the diff between 150 / 190. once your ducked under the screen you loose all side visions .
of course let me say that these speeds are only good at talledega race track. not on the state and federal highways and byways.
Had a run with a Porsche. dusted him easily and the speedo was just past 160 when I glanced at it and backed off of the throttle. When I stopped later, I checked my GPS and it read 134 as my top speed. Error rate is very high on these.
OK the error rate thing is nuts. That's just way too much, but at least it is on the south side instead of the north side. I would hate to think I am doing 40 and be mreo than 10 over the speed limit because of it.
it's the feel that gets me. Head pulling back. azz slide'n off the seat. I'm not worried about number when I'm up there. A deer might want a kiss or some'n
175 gps.... gotta real sketchy when I hit a high spot in the road and the front tire got light so I aborted.... My goal is to go 200 on my gps just once in my life.
One time I thought I saw 180 on the speedometer when I let off the throttle... But I know I hit 165 several times.
120's been my top to date, and that was on a beautiful clear day with excellent visibility and no crosswind.

I'd love to get to the higher #s but will prob never do it- as soon as I go past 80 I start seeing my wife and kid inside my shield.

(rockadaous @ Mar. 18 2007,15:20) it's the feel that gets me.  Head pulling back.  azz slide'n off the seat.  I'm not worried about number when I'm up there.  A deer might want a kiss or some'n  
nice lol