The 2006 Mileage Challenge has begun!!

o.k. guys heres mine
And it will be thatfor sometime until I get it out of the house to play again.
maybe Feb or March.
Have a few things that I am going to do,before I take it out of the house.
Yes It is in the Dining room on stands.
Right on! started yesterday! I put on a whoppin' 27.7 miles today!!!!! Whoooo-Hooo!

I'll go out and get the exact back a little later..
Right on! started yesterday!  I put on a whoppin' 27.7 miles today!!!!!  Whoooo-Hooo!

I'll go out and get the exact back a little later..
I already have over 300 in the first two days. My problem is that I can't ride to work so the bike sits all week.
Ya know kevin....everytime I turn around...your'e rubbin my face in it!! Yer startin' ta piss me off!!

I think us northeners should get a handicap. (ok, no smartazz comments!)

Anyway, I read the rules...sounds like my 27 miles today don't count.


I'm sittin' @ 3794.
Update 4:

Charlesbusa 29285
Nijinsky3 9517
MrGxr 11821
04busaVA 29632
Gunnybusa 48143
greyrocket 6153
05busa05busa05 7684
Lamb busa 11326
Kevin Kesler 10473
DennisH 10868
frisbee 13544
johnstein 10183
CorrodedAlien 18890
Bronto 23719
BUSA-MAN 24-7 1975
sccrvettel82 3555
LupinIV 7559
GJoker 15403
crazzycowboy 380
GSXcite 10716
samizx7 2400
Docsmith657 10105
fastbike1300 70874
MoFoTShirts 8267
RdKill 34400
mjn 3794
sportrider1296 4325
davycroc 2500
busafish 3425
AZIROC 10096
Yort 1142
dm_gsxr 35679
yaesu 4315
I think Phatroy had a bunch of miles on his 2000 cant remember for sure, was like 80K + then she blew! But he rebuilt her and bought an 05. Cha-Ching!
Right on! started yesterday!  I put on a whoppin' 27.7 miles today!!!!!  Whoooo-Hooo!

I'll go out and get the exact back a little later..
I already have over 300 in the first two days. My problem is that I can't ride to work so the bike sits all week.
I can.....!   :P

I can too !

59,238 on 01-01-06

Raider out.

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I have THOUGHT about riding a lot this week......does that count?
As much as I'd like to join the challenge, its really hard to rack up miles on bike when deployed. Just for thought, I have logged 74, 341 miles in just 3 months of our new convoy mission. Thats a long time in a seat made of plywood with half inch foam cushion.
As much as I'd like to join the challenge, its really hard to rack up miles on bike when deployed. Just for thought, I have logged 74, 341 miles in just 3 months of our new convoy mission. Thats a long time in a seat made of plywood with half inch foam cushion.
That's alright buddy. You can join up when you get home safely...

Thank you for your service to our country friend.