The Art of Buying a Used Busa...

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(dadofthree @ Jun. 26 2007,14:03) I'm not in the market, got a brand new '06 with zero miles at delivery. 16 K now. I hope they didn't change the body much and I pray they didn't put those faggot mirror signals on the new one. Dayum they're ugly.

Whoa, I have to say - That is a sweet looking bike!

I didn't know you had the 06...I can't wait until I get mine this weekend!</span>
7500 for a 06? U lucky I didn't find it first.

But I missed the helmet? Was it something of the wall peeps haven't heard of? FM is a great Italian helmet, but few have heard of them in the states.
(06BUSA @ Jun. 26 2007,23:12) 7500 for a 06? U lucky I didn't find it first.

But I missed the helmet? Was it something of the wall peeps haven't heard of? FM is a great Italian helmet, but few have heard of them in the states.
<span style='color:black'>The original helmet I was looking at was on ebay, a no-name brand that boasted SNELL approval.
After checking out Snell's site, it looks like Scorpion is the cheapest brand with Snell approval. I want to get something with plenty of protection, maybe I will have to skimp on comfort so I can save some dough.

I think the bike already has a performance exhaust and that he will give me the stock ones as well. I may try to sell those on here/trade them for a helmet (if they are even worth it) Any takers?

Alot of good used Shoei's sitting around. I even have a few. Solids and 2 multi color in different sizes for passengers.

Have a safe trip.
(BoiseBusa @ Jun. 26 2007,23:49)
(06BUSA @ Jun. 26 2007,23:12) 7500 for a 06? U lucky I didn't find it first.  

But I missed the helmet? Was it something of the wall peeps haven't heard of? FM is a great Italian helmet, but few have heard of them in the states.
<span style='color:black'>The original helmet I was looking at was on ebay, a no-name brand that boasted SNELL approval.  
After checking out Snell's site, it looks like Scorpion is the cheapest brand with Snell approval.  I want to get something with plenty of protection, maybe I will have to skimp on comfort so I can save some dough.

I think the bike already has a performance exhaust and that he will give me the stock ones as well.  I may try to sell those on here/trade them for a helmet (if they are even worth it)  Any takers?

Most guys just give the stock exhaust pieces to other .org member who have gone down and need replacements.

All I have left of my stock exhaust is the right side can.
<span style='color:black'>Just confirmed with the seller that I will be picking up the bike in Merced, CA on Saturday! This should be a heck of a road trip! Any suggestions for tie-downs when I trailer the bike back? (Where to fasten to the bike...anything to keep the paint from getting messed up...etc.)


Best place to tie down the front so you will not get the straps on the fairing is to go under the nose and tie an extension strap around the lower triple tree and out between the front fender and nose. I tie off the rear passenger pegs, again with a 12" extension strap.
(BoiseBusa @ Jun. 26 2007,15:54) <span style='color:black'>Actually, I didn't want to go with a brand spanking new 2008 Busa - Possibly too many mechanical kinks to work out and too expensive for me. (I also really like the older bodywork!)  

/However - I am getting an 06 with 3000 miles on it for
only $7500
I got my 06 in May 06 for ten-one out the door.... not too shabby for buying the bike during the peak of motorcycle season....

You're having to drive to get your bike and then you have "to wonder" why somebody'd sell their busa w/ only about 3k miles on it.... so getting a used bike is always a gamble. Actually, getting a used 'anything' is always a gamble (unless some family member not named Soprano sold it to you).

Good luck and have fun w/ your 06. We have the same model... well, sort of.... mine looks a lil sumthin like this.... not like yours since I don't have the black/gray decals anymore.

(dadofthree @ Jun. 26 2007,16:03) I'm not in the market, got a brand new '06 with zero miles at delivery. 16 K now. I hope they didn't change the body much and I pray they didn't put those faggot mirror signals on the new one. Dayum they're ugly.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>HAHAHA!!!!</span> I agree that the 'fag' turn signals on the mirrors don't belong on the busa (better integrated).

But on a gixxer, the mirror signals work... but they wouldn't work on a busa....
the term HAHAHAHA applies to all busa owners who are not giving in to the 08 hoop-la!


it's all good, but it's not enough to take you/me away from your/my busa!!!!


<span style='color:black'>Nice looking bike! I'm heading out in about an hour, tomorrow afternoon I will have the Busa! (and pics...I will not forget the pics...I will not forget the pics...

<span style='color:black'>Well, Got back yesterday with the new Busa. It's the 06, and I'm in love! Here are the pics...

Me on the bike:

Back shot:

In the trailer:

My view for the entire trip back:

Thank you all for you help and advice! Now it's time to get the RoadLok...


P.S - Any other riders around the area?</span>