The Busa, My First Bike ?

Every other week there is someone who asks this same question and it never ceases to amaze me how many people respond that the Busa was their first street bike too. I wonder if this is why there are so many trashed Hayabusa’s at insurance auctions?

Of course you should get a Busa for your first bike. That way when you are learning to ride and you dump it (which you are pretty much guaranteed to do) you can create a large insurance claim for even a relatively minor accident. On a beater you would just bend the handlebars back to almost where they were before the accident and continue driving with scratches in the tank and a broken brake light lens covered with that cheap red lens paper from the K-Mart automotive section. I would not suggest the beater because it will be really hard for you to look cool riding around with slightly bent handlebars on an old beat up motorcycle. If you have a Hayabusa on the other hand just knocking it over and scratching the plastic can cost enough for you to file a claim for all new parts. Then the insurance company can raise insurance premiums for all Hayabusa owners because you want to learn to ride on a 10k bike that is the fastest and makes you look cool.

Anyone who starts out on a Hayabusa is missing out on what motorcycling is really all about.
It is a lot of bike as your first street bike and you can get in over your head real easy. I would not recommend that it be your first bike. But as you have stated this would not be your first bike, but your first streetbike if as you have said that you have ridden dirt bikes before. You could probably get away with it. Just be extremely cautious and realize the bike that you are now riding weighs about 3 times as much as your dirt bikes and probably doubles there top speed.
I have ridden many bikes and I got my Hayabusa this last thursday.
Believe me when I say it is a lot of bike. From experince though, its the tamest bike I have owned over 400CC. Just as long as you RESPECT the power, you will be fine. Its not unruley like the GSXR1100, 750 etc that I owned before it.

So good luck and resist flogging it until you learn its full potential. (If there is such a thing :) )
There are postings under the topic New Rider that I and several others have commented on. Please review those for further opinions if you wish to read more. Good Luck and be safe.

[This message has been edited by suiciderider (edited 02 May 2000).]
The busa is a perfect first bike. I would encourage you to try to ride it to its full potential.

As a side note, do you have life insurance. I would be happy to pay the premiums if I could be one of your beneficiary. That's what is so nice about this site, brothers helping brothers
The Busa was my fisrt sport bike, but making staement like, I think I can hold her at 150? whats that all about, Thinking that all you need to do is hold your own at 150 and youll be fine is DEAD wrong. This bike is heavy, VERY and the hardest time I have with it is going slow, I can floor the damn thing and be fine. It has a way of creating the illusion that when your going 190 mph that your in control and everything is fine. I am the kind of person that talks smart before and after, but during I give it hell. Praise God that I am still alive, This thing fakes you out, and with the statement you made youll be doing 190 - 200 mph thinking your in control, but add it up it takes a human 1/10 th a second to react to ANY type of visual activity whats 1/10th @ 200 mph gona cost you? I see 1/10th mess people up @ 50mph.

Just to let you know, the bike is awesome, handles great, gets you looked at alot, get cops watching you alot, and gets you good times at the drag strip. The overwhelming power is like driving the space shuttle down the street, hell I saw an artical in MotorCyclist mag, about a turbine engine motorcycle, and they say it pulls like a hayabusa in it the artical, compairing the hayabusa to a jet powered bike should sum it up. If you get it, BE SAFE, and use its power in the right way, I have used its massive power a number of times to keep a car from whackin me, i dont hit the brakes i floor it sometimes and pull right out of dangers way. So be smart, and may God help you!
Well Blue is Best, and having said that the Busa is very nice at slow speeds, it's just a little harder keeping the Busa at those speeds because of it's potential. I would say it all depends on your self-control.
How old are you? Yes, I do think it makes a difference.
Have fun and good luck.
I posted the exact same topic about six or seven months ago. I was having the same dilemna. Everyone one pretty much told me to get less CCs. Of course I listened and purchased the 00 blue/silver busa. I'll agree with everyone that the power is ridiculous. It is impossible to be tame with it. It is very manageable at the low end, but you can not resist twisting the throttle. It is a blast, but be careful. I have so far.
Nice sarcastic reply Ninjaknight, couldn't have said it better myself. Anyone who learns on a Busa 1) Is asking for trouble. 2) Has NOTHING to look forward to, everything is downhill after that. 3) Should pay MY insurance. Thank you.
NinjaKnight. Dude, the guy has been riding dirt bikes for a long time. So he didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

The guy could be twice as talented as you or I, and have some common sense, so the Busa may not be a bad choice. It depends on the person.

If his friend is letting him ride his Busa he probably rides pretty well. Would you lend your Busa to someone who couldn't ride?
R.I.P...or try a nice SV650 first, you will learn more, learn faster, and have more fun...move up to a biger bike if/when the thing starts to feel "slow", and you may want to keep the SV to boot...If I had not feelt a need to try a Turbo I would have one in my yard now, and at 4 am or so I sometimes wonder if I made the right choice...I guarentee you will have more fun on an SV thes summer, and it won't be such a big deal when you drop it...much more like a dirt bike in this regard than the Busa or any fared sport bike...these guys are pretty free with the encouragement considering it is not their asses or money on the line...
...I bet SoCalBusa has 1 3/4 " of untouched rubber at the edges of his rear tires, and will never get much faster on that thing...the limits are so far out there he never learned how to push I bike...I can tell this as if I was there to see it...tell me I am wrong....
Growing up on dirt bikes will certainly help! I thought street bikes would be now problem. Luckily my first street bike was a 88 Honda CB450S, pretty sporty in those days! Riding it was easy, it was the street sence that took some learning. Racing a car is one thing, controlling a bike in another.

ANYONE can go fast it's easy, hell you don't have to steer just lean. Try throwing the bike around in rush hour traffic or a tight parking lot all day, then you appreciate a smaller less aggressive bike.

Usually you do a few bonehead moves on your first streetbike, like simple dump overs, on a Busa this can be VERY expensive, check out the price of plastic man!!

Do yourself a favour, buy a 2-4 year old 600-750cc bike if you REALLY need that much power in your first year. Ride you *** off and sell it next year for a BUSA. At least you won't lose to much money because you bought it at it's highest depreciation point, plus a smaler CC bike is easier to sell than a large anyone wanna buy a 90 GSXR1100?

Good Luck! Have fun..
Just like any other vehicle... just keep common sence in mind. Any vehicle, of any type could potentially be a weapon to harm yourself and others if used improperly.

SAFETY FIRST... and you'll have all the fun the Hayabusa has to offer. And trust me when I tell you, that's a lot of it. Lots of attention. Heck, it's just fun looking at it. There's a time and a place for everything and the Hayabusa is no exepcion. In the meantime, it's a exellent choice and have fun.
Hey guys

Thanks for the responce to my message.

Someone asked how old I was.. well I am 20. I was more less joking when I made the comment about holding her under 150. I just got off of my buddies Busa and I am planning to test a Honda cbr 929 tomorrow. By this weekend I plan to buy something. You guys sorta make me think the Busa is not a good choice, yet when I ride it, I feel as if it is perfect for me?!?

Have any of you tried the CBR 929 ? They say it is much lighter and less powerful. I saw a few notes mentioning getting less power and a lighter bike so I thought I would get your opinion on that. Thanks

Nathan, you have been riding your buddies busa for a few months, if that's the case go ahead and make it your first streetbike. When I was a teenager many years ago, my first big bore street bike was a brand new 1981 GS-1100E. I respected it and learned to ride the bike to the max.

You must remember the Hayabusa is very deceptive in the way it can carry a lot of speed and not really be stressed. This deceptive speed can overwhelm the brakes at not the best of times.

Torque is where its at on the street, and the Hayabusa is king of the Hill.

Be Happy buy the Hayabusa. Ride well!
After the new wears off and pinning the throttle does not produce the adrenalin it did before, go buy a turbo for 250HP plus!