The Busa was my fisrt sport bike, but making staement like, I think I can hold her at 150? whats that all about, Thinking that all you need to do is hold your own at 150 and youll be fine is DEAD wrong. This bike is heavy, VERY and the hardest time I have with it is going slow, I can floor the damn thing and be fine. It has a way of creating the illusion that when your going 190 mph that your in control and everything is fine. I am the kind of person that talks smart before and after, but during I give it hell. Praise God that I am still alive, This thing fakes you out, and with the statement you made youll be doing 190 - 200 mph thinking your in control, but add it up it takes a human 1/10 th a second to react to ANY type of visual activity whats 1/10th @ 200 mph gona cost you? I see 1/10th mess people up @ 50mph.
Just to let you know, the bike is awesome, handles great, gets you looked at alot, get cops watching you alot, and gets you good times at the drag strip. The overwhelming power is like driving the space shuttle down the street, hell I saw an artical in MotorCyclist mag, about a turbine engine motorcycle, and they say it pulls like a hayabusa in it the artical, compairing the hayabusa to a jet powered bike should sum it up. If you get it, BE SAFE, and use its power in the right way, I have used its massive power a number of times to keep a car from whackin me, i dont hit the brakes i floor it sometimes and pull right out of dangers way. So be smart, and may God help you!