Careful Gentlemen, it's threads like this that lead the rest of the sportbike community to believe that Busa owners need to get over themselves and their bikes.
Don't you look at just about every bike as it goes by, don't you check out the Gixxer 750 or whatever? OK, the Busa is no different in that respect.
Yes it has a reputation, but you want to know what else the Busa is infamous for, what A LOT of other bikers think of the Busa and the people riding it? POSERS, arrogant, no riding skill having, Posers... I hate to say it, but it's out there in abundance... There are folks out there that are fans, and there are those that are just haters, but there is a large percentage of folks who believe that the busa is little more than the Poser Flavor of the day, and unfortunately there is some truth in it. So many Busa's are purchased because some believe that by purchasing the bike, they themselves become "Better" somehow, better riders, or will get more "Props", more respect. It's like the Turbo kit's and nitrous flying off the shelf, for 90% of the buyers it has little to do with performance, hell they cannot use everything the stock Busa offers, it's about image, bragging rights, or the hope that they can "purchase skill", or street cred...
It's why I flinch everytime somebody posts up about their NEW Busa being their FIRST Bike. It's like "Oh great, another newb wobbling around making the Busa look lame..." Falling over in the parking lot, etc...
The Busa is a great bike, it's alot of fun, it's fast, handles well, and is over all a terrific do-it-all sportbike. But this gets overshadowed by the Hype, and the good and Bad PR...
It's important to remember, that the Busa is just a Sportbike, NOBODY CARES about the rider, they are LOOKING AT THE BIKE. NOT the person sitting on it. Sure it feels good to get checked out at a light, but it's important to remember that for 90% of the folks looking they are just looking at "a Bike" it has nothing to do with it being a Busa, or the rider being a "Stud" for being on the damn thing...
Not bagging on anyone, just saying that we as Busa owners need to learn a little humility, and understand that the world by and large could give a Rat's A$$ about our pretty go fast bikes... That's all.