The clocks ticking.


Donating Member
The clocks ticking very slowly my friends. I have about five hours in the office before I go get my new toy...Damn this is worse than Christmas.:banghead:
Congrats on your purchase. You will not regret it. Heres hoping for an Indian summer in the UK. We haven't done too bad so far.:beerchug:
how'd ya sleep last night? :rofl: I waited 2 weeks to pick mine up new.... I thought I was gonna die..
Ok, just a few pics of me collecting from the dealer.



:thumbsup: Hope to be in the same predicament soon. I've been waiting 2 years sence some illegal a-hole wrecked my 2001.
Nice~!~ and :welcome:

I see you're done with your break in miles already...up to 0 now~!!~ :laugh:
Thanks,yes they is some snazzy duds, got them two weeks before the bike. Mods none so far, but looking to get the Suzuki DB screen fitted at first service as well as some Heli Bars, heated grips (getting old and use all year round) and have booked it in to have the radio comm's refitted for instruction and touring purposes. As our furry long eared friend said "Thats all folks".