The clocks ticking.

Hey, you stole my bike, lol. Looks exactly like mine, glad you were able to get the best looking one they make.
Thanks guys, took it out today for the first time and got it dirty as it was raining but hey bikes are for riding right! anyway now got just over a 100miles or so on it ...only another 4 or 500 to go, yee ha...:cheerleader::laugh:
Thanks,yes they is some snazzy duds, got them two weeks before the bike. Mods none so far, but looking to get the Suzuki DB screen fitted at first service as well as some Heli Bars, heated grips (getting old and use all year round) and have booked it in to have the radio comm's refitted for instruction and touring purposes. As our furry long eared friend said "Thats all folks".

Reflectors, warning labels :whistle:

By the way congratz on purchasing the fastest color :thumbsup: