the coolest cars from tv and movies

The A-Team

FAB1 - Thunderbirds
This seventeen foot monster was built to promote the Thunderbirds film "Thunderbirds are Go!" and used by Gerry Anderson to arrive at the films London premiere. It is a life size copy of Lady Penelopes car FAB1 from the TV puppet series. The car was completley wrecked when purchased by Cars of the Stars and was rebuilt in 1989 by Mellor Coach Craft in Rochdale, England.

hey,lets take it back to the original theme.

STOP ho' in up my thread.

thread ho's
um... it was in a Bond movie once as an extra?  You know the one at the ski loft...  and that is Chuck Norris in the light blue jacket
not you WW....<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>he</span> knows who the Ho is...
Who you talkin bout rubbah?
I do have a pic to contribute though..... this is the F & F car I was talking about..

thats one of the best grafx I've seen on a little import. The one on the side of the car. Its not too much. Cool car,great movie. Rubb.