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The details of Caps house


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Nov 3, 2001
Ok guys I have the coolest wife ever...  October 20th there are the PMRA races where several of our members race... My wife asked my why we don't have as many members that want to come to the races and we would find a place for them to sleep. It may be crowded but definately fun.... I know we have guys from Texas, Arkansas and Kansas that could make the trip.... We have several options to choose from....

1. Ride your bike and we will put you in a sleeping bag or cot in the house.... We have the space, the living room may become a bedroom but who cares....
2. Drive your car and you can stay in the house, bring your own sleeping stuff or put a tent up outside.....
3. We have local hotels a couple of miles away that you can stay at...

Friday night we could cook out and just visit, Sat morning go to breakfast, then head to the track for the races. Spend Saturday out at the races then back to my house after for those that want to come back and have a little party.....

Who would be interested and what type of accomodations would you need?

Everyone is invited..... We will find the room....


Thanks for getting this started, folks I need to not only start this list but I need to add to it as far as who is coming in when and departing in when.... Feel free to stay Friday night and sat night... Leave and go home on Sunday

List em here                          Arrival             Sleeping Arrangements

1. Ks-waterbug/Mrs Bug               Fri 5-6               Caps House
2. BlueHaya & Mrs BlueHaya           Fri 6-7pm             Newcastle Motel
3. Professor/Mrs. Professor                                OKC
4. Semi                              Fri 2-3pm             Caps House
5. BusaWhipped                       Fri                   Caps House
6. GSXcite / Mary                    Fri                   Caps House
7. omslaw                            Fri 2-3pm             Local Jail
8. Sloto200                          Fri
9. NoFearSpear/family
10. LCB                              Fri
              Caps House
11. Jester                           Fri ??                Caps House
12. Falcon Tamer + Girlfriend        Fri. 7-10pm           Newcastle Motel
13. twotonevert + wife               Fri
              Caps House
14. Labusa                           Fri 3-4pm             Newcastle Motel
15. Skotty / Matt                    Fri 2-3               Newcastle Motel
16. mrninja9                         Fri
              Caps House
17. Mr Bogus                                              
18. USN05LE                          Fri 4-5               Caps House
19. Shibumi                          Fri 4-5               Caps House
20. Eaglefxr / tx busababe           Fri 4 ish             Newcastle Motel
21. Gunny                            Fri 3-4               Caps House
22. Goodluck Sat am Newcastle Motel



I'll be rolling in on Friday evening. What time depends on when I can get away from the office. I'm pretty sure I won't be heading back until Sunday. So you'll have to put up with me for 2 nights.
<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
I'm pretty sure I won't be heading back until Sunday[/quote]

Thats great news Dennis !!
I am going to have to beg off. My wife is leaving for a business trip for a week at 0300 Sunday morning. I am going to spend the weekend with her.

Want to, but need to take care of some stuff around the house this weekend. I know it will be a great time.
i am going to come in on sat morning meet up for breakfast i got a room at the newcastle inn for the night
Trying to firm up my plans with Jester. Planning on comming up Friday, time to be determined...
Juli and I should be in around 7-7:30 Friday, leave Sunday, stayin at the Caps if that is still ok.
Juli and I should be in around 7-7:30 Friday, leave Sunday, stayin at the Caps if that is still ok.
Absolutely, everyone is welcome... I dont want anyone to miss the races because they dont have a place to sleep for whatever resaon. We may not have enough beds for everyone but we have lots of floor, two couches, a hammock and about 10 or so cots in a nice warm building.
I'm still missing where 3 folks above are going to stay, please please let me know, you may have posted somewhere else but I don't know it...

Mr Bogus

USN05LE I'm assuming you and Shibumi are staying at the house?
Not to answer for him, but NoFearSpear was going to stay at the NewCastle Motel. Unless he has changed and his plans his 10 year old son will be with him as well.

I think Don (USN05LE) bailed out...not sure about Shibumi.
Jester isnt going to be able to make it.. so before i commit to staying at Cap's house... is there anyone that is staying at the hotel that wants to share a room and split the cost? If there isnt then, I'll just stay at Caps.
NoFearSpear has had a change in plans as well. He may still try to make it up Saturday afternoon.
It looks like folks are cancelling and not telling me.... I really need to know so I can plan for food and making adjustments.
I'm going to try to ride up early Sunday morning to meet who alls left and ride with the southbound crew on the way home. wish I could make the races, sounds like a blast! work pretty much trashes my weekends.
I'm going to try to ride up early Sunday morning to meet who alls left and ride with the southbound crew on the way home. wish I could make the races, sounds like a blast! work pretty much trashes my weekends.
I think you should quit and come anyway...
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