The difference between Jews/Muslims


I recently heard a radio commentary about radical muslims.  Now, I do have friends that are muslim.  I served a year in Iraq and met some wonderful people.  But as with any religion, there is a fringe element that is extreem in thier beliefs.  It was said (by a Muslim Cleric) that "the extreemists only account for about 15% of all Muslims."

 So, there are approximately 2 Billion Muslims in the world, and that means that there are only 2 to 3 HUNDRED THOUSAND!!! of them that want to come to our country and kill us??!!??!!??!!

(Projekt @ Sep. 28 2006,15:49) Look in the news do a search under abortion clinic bombings..
Or go to and get it for yourself..
Since you are pointing the finger, you shold also provide the proof

In case you are talking about Eric Robert Rudolph, he is not a Catholic and he is not a Christian either, look it up.
(Justyntym @ Sep. 28 2006,20:02)
Nuff said
That is terrible way to use such a touching graphic.
It is a disrespect to all people and specifically the FDNY.
The political overtones in it are deep.
Your post hints at ignorance and intolerance... Do you happen to be Muslim?
(jessup @ Sep. 28 2006,18:35) First... Sinn Fein is a political party....
Yes the political branch of the IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY
(jessup @ Sep. 28 2006,18:35)
Secondly... I wish our Country would show the same loyalty and drive to protect its soldiers as Israel.
Me too!!! For phugs sake but be REASONABLE
(jessup @ Sep. 28 2006,18:35)
Thirdly... Their are extremist in every religion and every country.  I completly agree with you about the clinic bombings... But you are lumping all catholics and christians as other people have lumped all Muslims...
Yes... and that is an interesting fact isn't it?
(rlbowers3 @ Sep. 28 2006,20:19)

I recently heard a radio commentary about radical muslims.  Now, I do have friends that are muslim.  I served a year in Iraq and met some wonderful people.  But as with any religion, there is a fringe element that is extreem in thier beliefs.  It was said (by a Muslim Cleric) that "the extreemists only account for about 15% of all Muslims."

 So, there are approximately 2 Billion Muslims in the world, and that means that there are only 2 to 3 HUNDRED THOUSAND!!! of them that want to come to our country and kill us??!!??!!??!!
Well then bring it on you phugging 200-300 thousand life threatening idiots. Give me an M-16 and a thousand rounds, I'll put them where the need to go. (Marksman rated while in Military)
We will protect and defend.
That is the true reason we have a military.
Call up the minute men and have them post up at the shores. Then Invite all those Extremists to put them on a highway to hell.
15% of a Billion plus... I can think of a few defense contractors just chomping at the bit to get that deal from GWBush's administration...

(motorkar @ Sep. 28 2006,21:32)
(Projekt @ Sep. 28 2006,15:49) Look in the news do a search under abortion clinic bombings..
Or go to and get it for yourself..
Since you are pointing the finger, you shold also provide the proof

In case you are talking about Eric Robert Rudolph, he is not a Catholic and he is not a Christian either, look it up.
How'd you know I was pointing fingers? Was my webcam on?

Naw.... I'm too busy doing business here to do the research for you.

Go ahead and look into it... You might learn something and maybe you may have a more open mind because of it.
(Projekt @ Sep. 29 2006,04
(Justyntym @ Sep. 28 2006,20:02)
Nuff said
That is terrible way to use such a touching graphic.
It is a disrespect to all people and specifically the FDNY.
The political overtones in it are deep.
Your post hints at ignorance and intolerance... Do you happen to be Muslim?
It doesn't disrespect them in the slightest, I hold them and their safety in the highest regard. My own Son is a fireman. My point is when someone is pointing a gun at me, all the over analysis stops and we should as country do whatever it takes to make certain nothing happens like this again.

Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southern Republican? With elections coming up, we should all decide. Here is a little test that will help you decide.

Question: How do you tell the difference between Democrats, Republicans,
and Southern Republicans?

The answer can be found by posing the following question:

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and charges. You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds! before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Democrat's Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!

Does the man look poor or Oppressed?

Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

Could we run away?

What does my wife think?

What about the kids?

Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?

What does the law say about this situation?

Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?

Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?

Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while
he was stabbing me?

Should I call 9-1-1?

Why is this street so deserted?

We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.

This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus.

Republican's Answer:


Southern Republican's Answer:



click.....(sounds of reloading)...



Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or hollow Points?"
Well hahahahahahahaha...

Somekind of Sharpshooting no bullshet Democratic SouthWestern Republican with a little girl that can shoot with the best of em... My son would have blasted the fool between the eyes with pellets in his CO2 Pistol.

Hahahaha!! Good one