The Dumb Things We Do...

Was on a desert trip in 2007 when we had the San Diego wildfires. Well they shut down the 8 to high profile vehicles due to high winds so we were stuck out in the desert for an extra week. Decided to run across the boarder to have some lunch. Well that turned into a drinking contest and when we got back we decided it would be a good idea to drive out to the hill since we were pretty much the only one still out there. Well drinking and balance do not go together as well as depth perception. So I ended up going off a 15foot witches crest (straight drop off). I was wearing my saftey gear but and I think that is the only reason I am alive, but I landed flat and bottomed the drz400(dual sport) out. Cracked my helmet on the handlebars and precided to take an hour nap on the ground(knocked out). And when I say it cracked it. I put a 2inch split in the front just over the face opening(dirtbike helmet) and I have no idea where the visor went.

Well this is why I woke up completely out of it. The same time this happened to me, my soon to be ex-gf on her atv hit a bush on the hill before and everyone else stopped to help her. (got some staples in her knee from hitting it on the handlebar) So while they rushed her to the hospital. I lay unconsious 250 feet north of that accident scene. So when they drove back to camp 2 people took her to the hospital and 2 others took the truck out to pick up her atv. I managed to climb to the top of the hill i wrecked off of and saw them pulling away, just after loading her atv. That was hands down the worse 3 day headache that I have ever had. So this is a great story of how to not be stupid and every drink and operate off road machinery. And helmets save live :bowdown:
:rofl: wow skaz, party on! :poke: but whats up with you loosing your clothes all the time???:rofl:

as far as bumb things i've done, riding down lower loop road through the everglades. i shoulda listened to the tribal cop. i earned my ADV rider sticker on that road. :whistle: more good stories/lesson's ???


my list is waaay to long. :laugh:

here's one... waiting on the top of a house roof for the flamming matress to be completely on fire before jumping off the roof onto it.

and another... getting woken up and rolled out of a clothes donation bin by the Salvation army guy.

I had to scale my response way back. It felt good to write down a bunch of it but I wasn't ready to share 'em so I edited this.
You guys have some funny stories there.

One time I broke my wrist (becasue I was the only one man 8yrs old) to jump from a play ground swing while it was at it's highest point trying to land in a tree that was 25' away. Did i mention that i jumped when it was at it highest point... not very bright cuz my distance sucked.....Still thinking I could have made it if I would have timed my jump right....See there I go with the dumb things we say/do.

I once was at the mall (16yrs old) when I didn't notice my gf had walked away (two busy staring at a set of double d's) when this man walked up to me and asked what I was doing. I proceeded to tell hhim I was checkin out this chick because I was tired of bangin the one I had.....I tried to grab me but I got away. Turns out it was my g/f's dad coming to meet me. Opps!
I have really tried to forget.....

And there is no way in hEll I'm telling, either :)
I think I want to hang with the Skaz..:rofl::rofl:

I can think of more.

15 years old me and my friends used to buy the cheap cars out of the newspaper to learn how to drive. We used to take them up to a off roading trail in town and practice things liek drunk driving and hitting trees. Low speeds of course lets not be stupid.

Tried to do the james bond jump a car into a lake and breath the air out of the tires.....let me tell you something here.....DONT DO THIS, and if you do make sure it is fresh air not 20 years old cause the only cool thing that happed was what it looks like to puke under water.

Jumped an old dodge 50 over what I thought was a small hump of dirt...turned out to be the end of a canal. dropped 15 feet to a riverbed. Landed flat and the bottom of the truck blew out the frame and we found ourselves sitting in 4 inches of water.

Two incidents in one night
Used to run down the railroad tracks with a steel bar and set off the lights to make people stop...ticked some people off and (stupid thing number one)...then got chased down the tracks by about 10 people from the light and jumped off a bridge into the river (40 feet) Not the dumb part since we had done this before, however my friend misjudged where he was supposed to jump and landed on a car two feet under the water level. (that was stupid part number two)

Tried to dukes of hazard what I thought was my friends new car, didnt jump high enough and slammed my hip into the fender. He didnt find out till he got home and his dad swore to never let him drive his car ever again. My friend called and told me I was a doosh, lmao

Marine Corp

Used to go to Victoria Canada every week to enjoy the cheap drinks and awesome bars.
Friends and I got the idea to play the P_nis game, where you walk down the street and yell it as loud as you can and you get points for people yelling it back. Me and my brother were winning 87 to 65 when a cop in a paddy wagon pulled up and deported my friends. The only reason we didnt get deported is my brother stopped to pee on a doorway, so all we got was a ticket for indecent exposure.
Used to do a lot of scuba diving in Hawaii and Channel busy with life, divorce, staying alive..and my gear sat for over 10 years unused. So, in a moment of utter brilliance I took my pneumatic spear gun...thinking it was deader than a door nail and loaded the metal shaft sans warhead for a test. Heavily treed area in Tahoe was the site of "blast off". Thinking this thing wouldn't shoot more than 20 feet, I said to myself, perhaps I should shoot it straight up...Naw...then I might have to duck it on the way down...let's just point it straight up with a little bit of slope away from my neighbors house. Knowing I had all of the integers of angle, propulsed pressure left in the gun that hadn't been used in 10 last remark to myself was ...what could possibly go wrong..and then i pulled the trigger. Let me just say that I was awestruck at the majesty of the stainless steel missle as it left mother earth's gravity field ...I lost sight of the projectile as it cleared the 100 foot Jeffrey Pines. I caught a small glimpse of reflected sunlight from the shaft as she hit the apogee and started her descent to earth. Up to the this time I was just awestruck..I think I mentioned that awhile back. Then terror struck me like bull bearing down on you in a ring. I heard the kids playing that I hadn't heard previously a couple of hundred yards away..perhaps the head up the rectum had muffled their play noise earlier. I did some nano second calculations and determined I would be in prison for a long long time if this missle hit one of my neighbors kids...if I was so lucky to make it there. Never been so afraid before or since those 10 seconds of awaiting to hear a scream. Looked for hours and never found the bodies to mourn for or die for...God was gracious to me on that day...i kid you not.
Unintended things that happen...I was on a very crowded metro in Moscow. I had 3 big bags that I was trying to handle and keep my balance. Inside the passenger car it was standing room only...I tried to keep control of my bags. I didn't even have a free hand to hold on to the overhead...all of a sudden there was a sharp corner turn and a braking all at once. I fell off center to the side and litterally landed on a young woman's lap. You would think a rational person observing this would see the comedy in it and understand it was just an accident...American man on Russian subway train...landing on young drunk woman's lap can have sudden and surprising consequences. She began to beat me furiously like I was trying to rape her. To my horror I found I couldn't extradite myself from her lap. I swear to heavens...I couldn't stand up no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't put my hands behind me because I would have been in her private area or thighs...the pummeling continued unabated. People around me finally were able to drag me to my feet. I was humilated to death.
lol...well i finally have worked the courage up to add a few of mine i guess.

I would have been 13 i guess and i was an eevil kanievel if there ever was one. I would set ramps up and jump cars trucks you name it would try it with my bmx bike. Have to sy i was pretty good at it too. Then came the fateful day of the 3/4 ton dodge. i set this ramp up just perfect. Got it lined up right over top of it to wear i would land in some grass on a down slope just a little to help with the force of the 8 foot or so drop!! I go down the block about 1/8 of a mile and prepare for my attack on everest ya know?! i was gonna be king sh!t in the neighborhood after this one. So i take off like a bat outta hell and all my buddies are whistlin and cheering me on.......well it pains me to say things just didnt go well from the start of this ramp i had built. Front tire hit the approach board and moved the support boards for the verticles just a that i mean what seamed like a frickin mile. but it was to late to abort i would have ended up going through the window of the truck!! so i pull up with all the force i have and manage to egt the bike in theair.....WWWWaaaayyyyy in the air sideways//////////////cleared the truck .......but alas there wasnt any room for error on this jump......i hit a concrete light pull you know the big industrial ones??????? head on 9 to 10 ft in the air. I slammed forward face first, jewels first, head smashed light pull nutz slammed the big nuckle that we all used to use back in the early 80 to hold the handle bars on.....front rim bent in half...tire, me, and a sign just underneath me that read dead end.....all slide down the pole together and landed in a pile.

alll i have to say is that time on that day there was no soprano that compared to me and there was no male alive that had a package the size of what i had.:laugh:
Unintended things that happen...I was on a very crowded metro in Moscow. I had 3 big bags that I was trying to handle and keep my balance. Inside the passenger car it was standing room only...I tried to keep control of my bags. I didn't even have a free hand to hold on to the overhead...all of a sudden there was a sharp corner turn and a braking all at once. I fell off center to the side and litterally landed on a young woman's lap. You would think a rational person observing this would see the comedy in it and understand it was just an accident...American man on Russian subway train...landing on young drunk woman's lap can have sudden and surprising consequences. She began to beat me furiously like I was trying to rape her. To my horror I found I couldn't extradite myself from her lap. I swear to heavens...I couldn't stand up no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't put my hands behind me because I would have been in her private area or thighs...the pummeling continued unabated. People around me finally were able to drag me to my feet. I was humilated to death.

Those were awesome tales. :thumbsup:

lol...well i finally have worked the courage up to add a few of mine i guess.

I would have been 13 i guess and i was an eevil kanievel if there ever was one. I would set ramps up and jump cars trucks you name it would try it with my bmx bike. Have to sy i was pretty good at it too. Then came the fateful day of the 3/4 ton dodge. i set this ramp up just perfect. Got it lined up right over top of it to wear i would land in some grass on a down slope just a little to help with the force of the 8 foot or so drop!! I go down the block about 1/8 of a mile and prepare for my attack on everest ya know?! i was gonna be king sh!t in the neighborhood after this one. So i take off like a bat outta hell and all my buddies are whistlin and cheering me on.......well it pains me to say things just didnt go well from the start of this ramp i had built. Front tire hit the approach board and moved the support boards for the verticles just a that i mean what seamed like a frickin mile. but it was to late to abort i would have ended up going through the window of the truck!! so i pull up with all the force i have and manage to egt the bike in theair.....WWWWaaaayyyyy in the air sideways//////////////cleared the truck .......but alas there wasnt any room for error on this jump......i hit a concrete light pull you know the big industrial ones??????? head on 9 to 10 ft in the air. I slammed forward face first, jewels first, head smashed light pull nutz slammed the big nuckle that we all used to use back in the early 80 to hold the handle bars on.....front rim bent in half...tire, me, and a sign just underneath me that read dead end.....all slide down the pole together and landed in a pile.

alll i have to say is that time on that day there was no soprano that compared to me and there was no male alive that had a package the size of what i had.:laugh:

Evil Knievel eh.... more like Awefull Knawfull. :rofl:

Awesome read. :thumbsup:

lol...well i finally have worked the courage up to add a few of mine i guess.

I would have been 13 i guess and i was an eevil kanievel if there ever was one. I would set ramps up and jump cars trucks you name it would try it with my bmx bike. Have to sy i was pretty good at it too. Then came the fateful day of the 3/4 ton dodge. i set this ramp up just perfect. Got it lined up right over top of it to wear i would land in some grass on a down slope just a little to help with the force of the 8 foot or so drop!! I go down the block about 1/8 of a mile and prepare for my attack on everest ya know?! i was gonna be king sh!t in the neighborhood after this one. So i take off like a bat outta hell and all my buddies are whistlin and cheering me on.......well it pains me to say things just didnt go well from the start of this ramp i had built. Front tire hit the approach board and moved the support boards for the verticles just a that i mean what seamed like a frickin mile. but it was to late to abort i would have ended up going through the window of the truck!! so i pull up with all the force i have and manage to egt the bike in theair.....WWWWaaaayyyyy in the air sideways//////////////cleared the truck .......but alas there wasnt any room for error on this jump......i hit a concrete light pull you know the big industrial ones??????? head on 9 to 10 ft in the air. I slammed forward face first, jewels first, head smashed light pull nutz slammed the big nuckle that we all used to use back in the early 80 to hold the handle bars on.....front rim bent in half...tire, me, and a sign just underneath me that read dead end.....all slide down the pole together and landed in a pile.

alll i have to say is that time on that day there was no soprano that compared to me and there was no male alive that had a package the size of what i had.:laugh:

I feel ya brother,
I was about 10 maybe, had this huge hill that was about 1/4 mile long and a 45 degree incline. We called it hells trial because it was hell trying to go down it on anything. It was the kind of hill you fell down walking. Me and some buddies decided to conquer the hill on bikes no handed. The rule was all the way down. This lasted 20 minutes before we all could do it so it became go down the hill no handed leaning as far back as you can.......I won by holding onto my seat and putting my feet under the handle bars....I lost because as you could guess, the seat came up and my arse went down to the tire. You can guess what happens next but I will tell ya anyways. I was traveling at about 40 miles an hour (felt like it anyways) my but made the tire start to skid mostly because my nutz were caught in the brake mechanism...IN the brake mechanism. This was only followed by my foot somehow making it to the pedal and then getting dragged underneath and caused the bike to flip over about 6 times. My luck was against me cause everytime I landed I landed on the wheels. (remind you my arse and nutz still on tire and in brake) It took me over a hundred feet two parked cars and a tree to stop moving. It took a friend of mine to pry back the now fused brake levers from my pants and I had three blocks to walk/run to the house. Parents not home, i had to run a block back to find someone I knew to use the phone.

I sat on an ice bag in the driveway for two hours waiting for my mom to come and pick me up. I didnt walk right for two weeks.
Okay...if we’re going to talk busted up sacks I got the king of stories for you. Wasn't my fault but my junk paid the price anyways. I was hit head on at hwy way speeds, I was doing 55-60mph and the 93yr old Alzheimer patient ( not lying full blown dementia) was doing 40mph. my 1100 vstar vs. his toyota car. He crossed over a double yellow line on a two lane hwy and all I could do was lay down 8 1/2' for skid mark before he hit me. I crushed my pelvis is 4 spots and hit my nads so hard my bladder burst. My sack was sooooo big I thought it was going to pop! My friends still call me mango cuz that was the size and color of my boys; and this was after 7 days of being in a coma. So the dumb thing I did was look down!!!
I dont really want to get banned here so im not going to get into the major stuff...
This one is pretty dumb tho:

So back in my drinking days, me n a buddy were at a bar (yea i know, this is how it starts) getting drunk as all hell. Really drunk, not just a little tipsy, we were toast. Well i dont remember why but we decided to go out back for a little fighting. We are boys ya know so we got rules n what have ya, well i accidentally kicked him good in the balls. Totally illegal move accident or not so i had to pay the price. the bar tender had come out to check out the action along with a few others just as i was getting ready to have justice brought against me. I stood there with my feet spread about 5 feet apart as he was getting ready to play soccer with my BALLZ. DUMB, i fell to the ground, puked up my last 10 shots of whiskey all over the ground.

There are other even dumber times but like i said, im not trying to get banned:rofl::rofl:
You know only good friends would help each other up after kicking each other in the jewels. Still best friends and were both sober these days. I never lived that down, the bar tender told EVERYONE about dumbasses who were kicking each other in the balls outside.
decided to test drive my freinds little tr80 ... we were in the yard with all the neighbors watching. i was wearing a pair of loose shorts and no underroos. i whacked the throttle and front end shot straight up and i slid right off the seat to the (now i think about it...amazingly short rear fender) fender wich soon went to straight knobbie tire. needless to say i held on for dear life being dragged acrost the yard untill i was able to let off the throttle and pulled myself back up on the bike... my shorts were non existant and the crowd gasped as there were many females near by...i was bleeding and i looked down and was like...ohhhhh #$%^ so...after getting cleaned up this day i still have pieces of rubber imbeded in my tenders.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: so if you have rubber inbedded in your tenders you have permenant protection right? sorry couldnt resist!!:laugh::laugh: