I couldn't help replying to this. I am looking forward to the ZX-12 release, it may or may not be faster, no one knows at this time. But unless it truly mops the floor with the Hayabusa I think the Busa will always be known for the big step it made in progress. The amount of refinement and power progress in the Busa topped 2-3 generations of progress from past manufacturers in one single go. That is something to be truly proud of. However the ZX-11 was top dog for a number of consecutive years and has a strong following as well. I think there is a strong possibility that the ZX-12 handles better and has more power then the Busa, but the distinct character of the Busa will continue as a one of kind ride. The ZX-12 seems to be taking the traditional design look which doesn't distinguish itself like the BUSA does. So bottom line, I would like to own both bikes. Unfortunately my wife's maintenance fees would go up significantly if I had more than one trials bike and one street bike. Flame away if you must but I think the ZX-12 may just beat the Busa, but like anything it is the first person who gets there that gets the attention, everyone else after that is second rate. It may be a tough argument but I think the first Stock bike to top 200mph is going to get the attention, do you guys consider the Busa there, or would you say the BUSA has fallen short?
[This message has been edited by easyrider (edited 18 September 1999).]
[This message has been edited by easyrider (edited 18 September 1999).]